Chapter 3 - Gossip Shows

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I knew it was because I had been thinking way too hard about what Naomi had said just a few hours ago. I know I'm probably over thinking the whole situation but I cant help it.

I decide to push all these unwanted thoughts out of my head and take a long and needed shower. I strip out of my pajamas and take a look at myself in the mirror. I cringe as I look at my makeupless face- pale skin, under eye bags, and pimples. my eyes then move down my body to my misshapen hips, big thighs, and awkwardly big feet. I quickly jump in the shower before I can judge myself anymore.

I turn the temperature all the way up and shift around uncomfortably until my body to adjusts to the heat. I know I said that I would try not to think anymore but its kind of impossible when you are just standing in the shower with nothing to do. So while I'm washing my hair, my mind drifts to the one and only, Louis Tomlinson.

I remember back to when I used to watch Louis on the X Factor before he got put into that band. I was there with him the day that he sang in front of the judges for the first time, making sure that he wouldn't back out. He was so nervous thinking that all the judges will hate him and automatically kick him off the show. It was silly really, he has a very unique and angelic voice. If the judges did say no, you would think that they were deaf.

I gave him the idea to sing "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's because he used to sing that to me all the time when I was sad. That song would always cheer me up. He did so amazing and I couldn't have asked him to do any better. Once he got put through, I don't think I ever remember his eyes sparkle with so much hope before. It amazed me how much he actually wanted this, he just didn't want to admit it to himself.

Week after week I watched him get better and better. But I noticed he contacted me less and less every day that went by. It got to where we went a whole 2 weeks without speaking one word to each other. Then the week came where he got put in that band and everything turned upside down. I would call him but he never returned my calls, same with texts. I eventually just gave up on him and stopped watching the show because it was just too painful.

Two slow years eventually passed with absolutely no communication and here I am thinking about him while he is probably in Australia or some other well-known country surrounded by teenage girls.

I decided to get out of the shower because I had been in there for over 30 minutes. Time flies when you over think things. Since its winter and it gets quite cold in Doncaster, I put a pink oversized jumper on with black leggings and fluffy socks. I blow dried my hair and left it natural. I put on some light makeup which consisted of pale foundation, eyeliner, and one coat of black mascara. Deciding that I was done, I went downstairs to be greeted with an empty flat. I walked over to the table where I spotted a note that read: "The girls and I decided to go shopping to fill our girly needs. I didn't want to wake you judging that you had a pretty bad night. We will be back at around 2:30. I cooked breakfast for you, it's in the fridge. I will see you later!! ~Naomi:)xx"

I glanced at the clock and it read 11:45. Looks like I have a few hours to myself. I immediately ran to the fridge and heated up my breakfast because Naomi is literally the best cook I have ever met. I love everything she makes, especially breakfast because it is my favorite time of the day.

After that was heated, I took it into the living room to watch a little television. Though, I immediately regretted that decision because when I turned it on, 5 familiar faces were on the screen in a picture. Usually I would change the channel immediately but something the woman on the gossip show said captured my attention so I turned it up.

"These very charming lads of One Direction are officially finished with their first worldwide tour. In celebration, the lads will be returning back to their hometowns to visit their families. One of the boys, Louis Tomlinson, tweets: 'So happy to finally be returning back home to visit the family and friends. I haven't seen them in a very long time... Doncaster here I come!' well Louis seems quite excited to be returning home, as I'm sure the other boys are as well."

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