Chapter 30 - Hate

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Jen's POV

I smile widely while my fingers are intertwined with Louis as we walk into the living room to meet a guy named Josh Devine. As soon as we walk into the room, Louis clears his throat to get everyone's attention. Soon, all eyes are on us and when I look around, my eyes stop at an unfamiliar face that I'm assuming is Josh. I can't stop myself from thinking about how attractive he is with light, hazel eyes, a friendly smile, and perfectly styled brown hair at the top of his head. He also has some tattoos scattered around his muscular arms that poke out of his shirt.

I get snapped out of my intense stare at him when I hear Louis speak from beside me. "Josh, this is my girlfriend, Jennifer Bailey." He says cheerfully and a smile plays at my lips just hearing Louis' voice.

Josh blinked a couple of times almost like he was lost in his own thoughts before putting a kind smile on his face. He introduces himself to me politely and I do the same before asking about his drumming career. I've always been very interested in people who play the drums, it seems so complicated and skillful. I actually tried playing the drums when I was smaller, but I gave up after playing for what seemed like hours. I never could get my arms to move in the right way, or the sticks would always fly out of my hands. Either way, I told myself to stick to something that doesn't require hand-eye coordination.

"Well, I'm sure I could teach you how! It's not that hard once you get the hang of it." He offers with a hopeful glint in his eyes. I smile in appreciation and nod enthusiastically.

Then I feel Louis tense from beside me and he pulls me tightly to his chest. I stumble a bit as I am taken aback by his sudden change in mood. I snap my head up to see his jaw clenched and his nostrils flaring in anger. My eyebrows crease together in confusion as I stare at him. "Come on, Jen. You must be hungry, let's go out to eat." He says, almost as a command, through gritted teeth.

I raise an eyebrow and pull away from him a bit. "Actually, I'm not hungry. You can eat though, if you want." I tell him a bit annoyed by his sudden actions. I hear him groan and he breaks away from his death grip on me. "Fine." He says almost in a growl, before storming out of the room to the other side of the bus.

I turn back to Josh who wears the same expression as me and everyone else. "Well, someone's on their period." Harry points out from his spot on the couch. Small giggles escape the other boys lips at his comment, but I can only knit my eyebrows together in confusion. What is wrong with Louis today? He's never acted like this before. I never got to look him directly in the eyes, so I don't know exactly what he's feeling.

"So, Jennifer-" Josh starts but I cut him off.

"Oh, you can call me Jenny. Everyone else does." I offer a smirk.

He nods in understanding. "Okay, Jenny. Do you know what just happened with Louis? He was looking at me like he wanted to rip my head off." Josh tells me while rubbing the back of his neck. I hear the boys snicker from the couch and I snap my head in their direction.

"What?" I ask them confusedly.

All the boys look towards Harry and Zayn nudges him in the side encouraging him to speak. "Well, can't you see? Louis is obviously jealous." He assumes with a knowing smirk.

Though, my confusion only grows wider. "Jealous? Of what?" I snap back at him almost defensively.

"Open your eyes, Jenny! He's jealous of 'Mr. Big Muscles and Perfect Jaw Line' over here. I mean, y'all were hitting it off pretty well right in front of Louis' eyes. Honestly, I'd be pretty jealous too." As Harry is speaking, I feel my cheeks grow hot at the thought of us 'hitting it off.' In fact, I almost laugh at the thought. I never could think of Josh as any more than a friend. I love Louis too much to do that to him, and plus, Josh isn't my type.

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