Chapter 5 - New Beginnings

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"I missed you so much." With that said, Louis brought me into a huge bear hug. I hugged him back snaking my arms around his neck trying to bring us as close as we possibly could.

He was here. Louis was here with me. I'm starting to think that the alcohol is giving me hallucinations but as soon as I smell the familiar vanilla spice cologne he always wears, I know this is all true. This is actually happening. I get to see my best friend after 2 full years.

But then I start to think. Why couldn't he have contacted me at least once? Was he really too busy where he didn't have time for his best friend?

I didn't realize we were still hugging until I snapped back to reality. I needed these questions answered and I was going to get them answered now.

I released from our hug and immediately felt the loss of his body heat. I felt the need to return into his arms because I felt right there. I felt like I belonged there.

I shook these ridiculous thoughts from my head as I was eager to get answers from him. I was angry with him and I needed to know.

"Why?" I whispered just loud enough just so he can hear me.

"Why what?" He said. But he knew perfectly well what I was asking. He was playing dumb. He was stalling so he wouldn't have to explain all that lost time between us.

"I think you know perfectly well what I'm talking about, Louis. Why didn't you have time for me? Why did you leave me?!" My voice cracked at the end because I was getting upset. Is it because he didn't care about me?

He looked taken aback at my sudden change in attitude but then his eyes softened. He motioned for me to follow him. I'm guessing we were going outside so he wouldn't have to explain with people watching us.

Once we got outside I felt a sudden gust of autumn wind that gave me chill bumps. I never realized it was so cold outside until now.

He saw that I was shivering so he took his jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders. I immediately felt warm again as his scent engulfed me. That's what I loved about Louis, he would always put others before himself. But then I remembered what we were out here for and suddenly became angry at him again.

I muttered a quiet "thanks" before looking at him impatiently hoping he would continue.

He hesitated like he was trying to think about what to say before finally speaking. "You know, I always think about you. Ever since I stepped foot on that stage all I could think about was you. I was nervous because I always hoped that you would love my performances, which you did. The reason I gained confidence was because of you." He told me while looking me in the eyes. Though, I was having a hard time understanding. If he thought about me so much, then why wouldn't he even try to contact me? I gave him a confused expression and he took that as a cue to keep going.

"When I got put into One Direction, it was then that I realized I really wanted this. I wanted to be known worldwide. I wanted my chance at fame. I let my ego control me instead of my heart. We were all like that to start off but for some reason, I never could get it in my head that the world didn't revolve around me. I stopped contacting my friends, family, everyone, just because I thought that I was too good for them."

As he was telling me this, I was staring at him wide eyes not believing a word he said. He always put others before himself. Always. Even it was something so small as opening the door for someone. That's not the Louis I knew. But his eyes showed everything. They showed sadness, regret, and... Truth. Everything he was saying was true. I nodded telling him to continue.

"Then something happened. We lost a majority of our fans over the coarse of just a week. All of us were confused and worried. We had no idea what was going on, so I decided to do a little research. Then I found it, I found whole websites online dedicated to hating me. Some comments were from past directioners that posted things like 'I used to love their music. I used to love them. But then I noticed a change in one of the bandmates, Louis Tomlinson. All he cares about is himself. You can see it in their interviews. What an arrogant twat.' And it wasn't just one comment like that, thousands upon thousands of comments saying how much of a twat I am. That's when it hit me. That was the reason we had lost so many fans. Fans that we all worked hard to earn. And it was all because of me." He told me all this with his head to the ground. By then, he had tears running down his cheeks and I reached up to wipe a few away with my thumb. I just wanted to hug him and tell him that it's all in the past now, but I couldn't. I had to wait until he was done. He smiled a sad smile and continued his story.

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