Chapter 7 - Unwanted Company

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Jenny's POV

As soon as I told all of the girls about Louis, they were all overjoyed. I told them every little detail of his speech and why he hasn't contacted me. They were so happy for me that Naomi decided to cook a whole breakfast buffet as a celebration. She cooked so much food, it could've lasted for a week. Though, the bacon was quite good so we ate all of it and now, Macy and Madge were on the floor wrestling for the last piece.

While Naomi and I were watching our crazy friends in amusement, my phone started playing "TKO" by Justin Timberlake and I knew I was receiving a call. I picked it up from beside me and the screen read: "My bestest friend in the whole entire world and I just love him with all of my heart!! <3" I immediately picked up knowing it was Louis.

"Hey Louis!" I greeted with a happy tone.

"Ohh is that him?" Naomi asked me while wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and hit her playfully on the arm.

He asked me what I was doing and I told him about my stupid friends wrestling on the floor to which he burst out laughing. I loved his laugh, it was so contagious that you couldn't help but laugh along with him.

We talked for about an hour and a half about random subjects. He told me all about his band mates and you could tell he really cared about them. I noticed he talked about a lad named Harry more than the others though, they were probably the best friends of the group. They all seem like great lads and I would love to meet them one day.

As if he read my thoughts, he asked me if I, along with my friends, wanted to come over to his flat for a bit. I was so excited, I hope my friends would agree to it.

"Hey guys, Louis just asked me if we all wanted to come over to his flat for a while. It's going to be him and his best pal Harry." I informed them. They know about Louis being in One Direction but we didn't really listen to their music so we knew basically nothing about them.

"I can't, Carter and I were gonna hang out today." Macy told me with a disappointed look on her face.

"And I'm hanging out with Mark." Naomi added with the same look.

I looked at Madge hoping she would agree to come with me, I didn't want to be the only girl. I gave her the puppy dog eyes to try to convince her to go.

"Hey, you don't have to convince me! Knowing that they are in a worldwide boy band probably means they are hot. I'm in." She said with a cheeky smile. She may not want a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean she can't flirt. Madge loves her hot boys.

I smiled really big and gave her a quick hug before replying to Louis saying we can go. He gives me his address and with that, we hang up.

"He said we can pop by whenever so we can go whenever you're ready." I told Madge. She got up quickly and ran to her room, probably to dress into something more presentable. I should probably do the same, judging that I'm in a tee-shirt and sweats.

I quickly run up to my room and start digging through my closet for something to wear. I want to be stylish, but not too made up because we are only going to his flat.

I finally decide on a tan colored oversized jumper paired with a white scarf, black leggings, and brown Ugg boots. Cute, but comfortable.

After that, I brushed my hair and put it in a side fishtail braid because I didn't feel like straightening or curling it.

Lastly, I put on some pale foundation, puffed on some powder, lined my eyes with black eyeliner, then brushed on some mascara. I looked in the mirror and decided I was done.

I ran into the living room, grabbed my phone, and put it in my purse. I saw that Madge was already done. She was sporting a blue and green cardigan with a white top under, black leggings, and dark brown Ugg boots. I smiled as I saw her and motioned towards the door so we could get going.

"Bye girls, don't have too much fun while we're gone!" I yelled towards the girls with a big smile.

"We'll see about that. You have fun! Madge, don't flirt with Harry too much!" Naomi called back at us with a smile on her face.

"No promises!" Madge yelled. And with that, we were out the door headed towards my Volkswagen.


We arrived at Louis' flat within 10 minutes, they only lived a few blocks over so that was very helpful on our part. We walked up to the door and I knocked 3 times. I suddenly got very nervous for no reason. Why would I be nervous? We're just hanging out. Maybe it's just because this is the first real time me and Louis are going to hang out in 2 years. Yep, that's it.

My thoughts were interrupted when a boy about our age opened the door. I didn't recognize him so that must mean he is Harry. His name is quite ironic actually because he has a full head of curly locks that fall messily on his forehead. I also noticed that he has light green eyes that have an intense stare. Almost as if he were reading your very thoughts. He also wore a crooked smile that showed off his deep dimples. Overall, he was a very attractive lad.

I looked over to Madge and saw that she was practically drooling over the poor lad. God bless his soul, was what I was thinking.

"We'll hello there, you must be Jenny. Nice to finally meet you." He said politely while reaching out his hand for me to shake. I gladly took it and instead of him shaking it, he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my fingers. Wow. Very cheeky this lad is. I blushed a light shade of pink while bringing my arm down back at my side again. He smiled a very cocky smile like he was proud to have made me blush.

"And who is this lovely lady?" Harry directed towards Maddie with a smile.

Maddie rolled her eyes with a trace of amusement in her eyes and replied "I'm Maddie. Don't wear it out." With an added wink at the end. Dear lord, 5 minutes in and she already flirting. That girl is something else.

I raised an eyebrow while saying "It's nice to meet you too. You must be Harry, Louis told me about you over the phone, but he seemed to have left out one small detail." I added with the same cocky smile he wore.

"And what would that be?" He asked with a curious expression with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"How cheeky you are." I told him with the most serious voice I could without bursting out laughing. He had pure shock written all over his face. He grabbed Madge by the shoulder and fake sobbed into it. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out laughing at the scene before me. Madge was playing along as she was rubbing circles in his back saying every things gonna be alright.

My laughter finally subsided by the time Louis came over to the door and saw the whole scene before us.

"Um, why is Harry- I don't even wanna know." He chuckled at his best friend like it was a normal thing. He then looked at me and bit his lip while bringing me into one of his signature hugs. The kind that make you want to stay there the whole day. Though, we both pulled away seconds later.

"Come on inside, you must be freezing out here." He escorted me and Madge, who finally just shoved Harry off of her, to the living room. As I looked around, my eyes stopped at a beautiful girl that looked about my age. She had chocolate brown eyes that were framed with dark make up, a perfect smile that showed off her pearly white teeth, And gorgeously styled brown locks that fell just past her shoulders. She looked like she could be a model and I suddenly felt like a snail compared to her. What was she doing here? Louis didn't tell me anything about the mysterious brown haired girl. Who was she?

"Jen, this is Eleanor, my girlfriend." Louis told me plainly.

In that moment, I suddenly felt like a truck full of rocks hit me right in the stomach. I have never felt this way before and I had no idea what was going on. I felt sick, and I didn't know why. I felt fine 5 minutes ago, why would I be sick all of the sudden? But it wasn't the kind of sick that gave you a fever, or the kind that made you puke. It was the kind that put you in a bad mood and made you feel like complete crap. Is this what jealousy feels like? No. It couldn't be. Why would I be jealous over my best friend? For me to be jealous of him would mean that I have feelings for him. And that's impossible. Right?

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