Chapter 1- Losing the Battle~

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With each day, it was getting stronger. He was getting stronger. I could feel it .

With each day, I grew more terrified. I knew he could feel it. He loved it.

I could no longer look in the mirror without imagining my reflection staring back at me, those terrifying dark eyes, hollow and vacuous as a black hole, boring into my very soul, seeing things, knowing things about myself that I had no desire to, or had forced myself to forget.

The creature I saw in the mirror, in the dark behind my closed lids, prevented me from spending time with friends and family as I once did, kept me from socializing, in fear that when something funny happened, as it was wont to do, they would not hear my usual infectious laughter that my viewers loved, but instead that evil, chilling, cold laugh that I heard every night, over and over, in my nightmares.

It terrified me that I had this darkness inside me at all. A darkness so potent, so powerful, that not only was it able to manifest itself into an actual being, but it was able to take control of me, whisper in my thoughts, feed on my fears, become something else entirely. Something new. A being made of hatred and fear and anger, uncertainty and resentment and regret- all the feelings I tried so hard to hide, both from the camera, from the people in my life, and from myself. A being that was self aware enough to give itself a name- Dark.


Let's get one thing clear, right off the bat- I am not Mark. I never was, and I never will be. I'd kill myself before that happened. I mean, if you can kill something that's not technically alive. Something that doesn't have a soul. But I'm not Mark. No, no no. I'm something much, much better.

Now, I know that you, the one reading this, I am aware that your weak and pathetic human mind won't be able to understand this, but I'll try my best to explain it in simple terms. I'm not judging, of course not. I completely understand. Humans are stupid creatures overall, it's not your fault. Promise.

However, before I begin, I haven't even properly introduced myself. My name is Dark. You can call me Dark. Now that that's taken care of, let's move on, shall we?

I am not Mark. Yes, I know I said that already, just shut up, listen and be patient before I slit your throat. Thank you. Anyway, I am a part of Mark, he was right about that. But Mark is human. I, however, am not. I am a demon, born from Mark's inner darkness. Get this straight- I am not Mark's soul. I am not a half of his soul. I'm just a being, an entity, created from his thoughts and feelings. Everyone, even you, has a demon. Trust me, you do.

You think I'm lying? Do you really want to question a demon? No? That's what I thought. But yes, everyone has a demon, even the most saintly amongst you, but that discussion is for a different day. I was created by Mark, though he was unaware of it. Unintentional though it was, I exist because of him. Mark is so sickeningly.. sweet. Happy. Kind. It's disgusting. And I? I was born as a reaction from these feelings. You may be wondering how that's possible. If I'm a demon, how was I created from good feelings like those? Well, have you ever heard the phrase 'You can't have the high without the low'? Well, I'm the low. Or even better- 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction'. Well, Mark was just so fucking happy all the time. Even when he didn't want to be, he forced himself, believing it was in the best interest of the people- family, friends, and fans- that relied on him. In doing so, he just kept pushing all those negative feelings down, deep inside him. Of course, those feelings didn't go away. They didn't just disappear. They grew, and got stronger. Stronger and stronger until eventually they formed, well, yours truly. And yes, I know- your human mind can't comprehend it, so you'll just have to trust me. I mean, if you want to trust a demon. That's your choice. And, quite possibly, your mistake.


He's getting stronger. I try to suppress him, to fight him, but he doesn't weaken. He's getting cocky, more sure of himself. It's as though he's feeding off the stress he's causing me. In fact, I'm almost certain he is. He knows I can't fight much longer, and he's using that against me, just waiting for me to break. I'm starting to lose this battle, and I'm fucking terrified of the outcome. 

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