Chapter 21- Pushing the Issue

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He walks toward me, grinning. I smile, until I see him raise his fist. Before I can react, his hand flies toward my face, connecting painfully with my jaw. I stumble back and glare at him, hand gingerly pressed to my throbbing cheek.

"What the hell, Anti?" I spit.

"That, my friend, was for kissing me." he smirks.

"What, you didn't enjoy it?"

"Not necessarily."

"Then why did you kiss back?"

Why am I pushing the issue?

Why do I care?

It was just to get Anti back, nothing more. 

He scowls. "I didn't kiss back. I pushed you away, idiot."

I press forward. "Yea, but you kissed back. For a second. It wasn't Sean, it was you."

"You're an idiot, Dark. You know that?" He glares at me. "And you know what else you are? Pathetic. You're letting Marks little crush mess with your thoughts. You're a demon, for fuck's sake. Fucking act like it."

I feel a sharp pain in my chest, a blow far worse then the one Anti inflicted to my face. He looks at me in disgust and turns away, heading for the stairs. "And you're any better?" He freezes but doesn't turn around. "I managed to break through on my own, several times. And you? You needed me to make out with you in order to take over. And what do you do? Do you thank me? No, you hit me and act like a complete asshole." I shake my head. "I shouldn't have bothered." 

He slowly turns around to face me, and says quietly "What did you say to me?" 

I gulp slightly, but continue. "I said I shouldn't have bothered. You don't appreciate it anyway, so I just wasted my time." As I'm speaking, he starts to slowly walk towards me. "I mean, you're a hypocrite, if I'm going to be honest. You pretend to be all tough and strong, but I think, no matter how much you'll deny it, that Sean is influencing your thoughts and feelings too. Even now, as we speak." 

He slowly comes closer, and I ramble on. "In fact, I think some of those feelings aren't even Sean's, but your own. Because if this was all Sean, and not you, you're in control. And if you didn't feel this way, at all, you, Anti" he's about a foot away from me. "Then you wouldn't let me do this." 

Before I can stop myself, before I can think, I close the gap between us and press my lips to his. He's surprised, and at first he's stiff, unyielding, but he doesn't pull away, and I take that as a good sign. After one or two agonizingly long, torturous seconds, he relaxes, his lips moving against mine. All too soon, he pulls away, looking at me with wide eyes. 

I wait for the punch, but it doesn't come. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Kissing you, idiot." I say, cupping his face in my hands and pulling him towards me. Our lips touch, and he jerks away. "Why?" he asks. 

"Because I can, dammit." I growl, moving one of my hands from his face and grabbing the front of his shirt, yanking him towards me. My hands move behind his head, pulling him closer as I raise my lips to meet his.  This time, he doesn't fight, his hands going to my waist and pulling me even closer. After what seems like an eternity and an instant, we break apart, catching our breaths. "Y-you kissed me." he says. 

"You kissed back." 

He blushes. "Shut up."

I roll my eyes and turn around, walking towards Mark's- towards my room. Anti follows a few seconds later, and stands by the door , looking at me. "What, are you gonna sleep with me, too?" 


I smirk, but also feel a bit of disappointment. But why? It's not like that.

I clear my throat. "Your room's down the hall, remember?" 

"Yea. Of course." he walks away and I fall on my bed, closing my eyes. 

"Hey, Dark?"

I open my eyes to see Anti standing in the dark hallway. "Yea?" 

"I liked it." he says, but before I can respond, he's gone.


Did the song work? Let me know what you guys think, in general. Longer AN later. 

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