Chapter 29-Madness is Me

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(Listen to the song as you read the chapter.)


 I drive in the front with the other paramedic. 

They wheel Sean into the hospital, and I run after him.

I'm sitting in the room with him, watching him. He could almost be sleeping. 

A minute later the doctor comes in and walks up to me. He's handsome, with sandy hair and blue eyes, and he looks to be my age. 

"Hi, sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. So we can take care of Sean."

Absolutely not.

"No. I'm not leaving him." I glare. I must look like a mess, eyes red, hair disheveled, but I really don't care.

He looks like a nice person, but it's clear he isn't used to being spoken to this way. I can see a flash of annoyance in his eyes, but it's quickly replaced with a polite but obviously forced smile. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't be here."

"No!" I scowl. 

His smile falters, and he glances at the paperwork in his hand. 

"Mark, right?"

"Yes." I say curtly. 

"Just to know- what is your relationship with Mr.McLoughlin?"

"I don't see why it matters." I spit out the words.

"Please, sir, it's for paperwork."

"I'm-"  Why am I hesitating? He looks at me, waiting. I take a deep breath. 

"I'm his boyfriend."

The doctor's nose wrinkles. "Oh...I see." he stares at me, then looks at Sean.

"Really? What do you see?"


He looks at Sean again, then me, and his lip curls.

"Well, I see something. I see a homophobic piece of shit. " I snarl. 

"Sir, I didn't mean that."

"I don't give a shit what you meant." I stand up. "You obviously have a problem, and you can say it to my face, asshole."

The doctor takes a step back. "Sir, please, just calm down." 

"Don't tell me what to do, I am calm!" 

The doctor reaches over and hits a button on the wall. 

"What did you just do? What was that?" 

"Nothing, sir."

I stride over to him and grab him by his crisp, white collar, shaking him. "What did you do?" I shout. He looks past me, over my shoulder, and I turn to see two burly men walk in and start towards me. I turn my attention back to the doctor. "Are you fucking kidding me? You called security on me! You piece of shit!" I push him into the wall and feel a hand on my shoulder. I whirl around. "Don't touch me!" I snarl. 

Is  this Dark?

No. I think this madness is me.

The other man walks towards me and grabs my arms, pinning them behind my back. 

"Get your fucking hands off me! You can't do this!" 

He starts half pushing, half dragging me to the door. "No! You can't do this! I know my rights!" I scream. I kick and thrash, but the men are a head taller then me, and easily much stronger. They pull me through a maze of corridors and past rooms. I see passing staff and patients stop and stare at me, but I don't care. I stop screaming, my voice hoarse, and take a few seconds to catch my breath before I turn to the guard on my right. "Please, man, I need to go back. He can't be alone, what if he wakes up? I need to be there for him. I can't leave him here, I need to apolo-"
 I stop. They don't need to know what happened. "Please."

He looks at me with pity and sympathy, and understanding. "I'm sorry. I've got orders. The best thing you can do is go home and get some rest."


How did the song work?

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Two chapters left...

Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter!

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