Chapter 3- Shivers in the Dark

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(Listen to this song while reading the next two chapters)


          "Amy!" I shouted into the dark, bolting upright in my bed. I was alone, shivering , drenched in a cold sweat. 

         "Don't you remember? Amy's gone. She left you, you pathetic piece of shit. And I don't blame her. In fact, I'm not surprised at all. Shivering in the dark, crying out for her like a child cries out for its mother, because of a bad dream. Pathetic. No wonder she left you,"Dark says. 

          "Shut up." I say back.

         " Can't handle the truth, Mark? Does it hurt?" Dark taunts. 

          "I said shut up."

          "So many secrets. So many lies, things you're hiding. From yourself. Your friends. Your family. From Jack. And you don't even have the courage to face them. To deal with your secrets." Dark says in my head.

          "Leave me the hell alone!" . I'm starting to shake with anger, struggling to keep my breathing steady and slow, under control. 

         "What's the matter? I'm just being honest. And besides, I'm only a part of you. Are you scared, Mark? How fucking pathetic can you be? Forget being scared of your own shadow.You're scared of yourself! " . I can hear Dark smiling .

          "Get out of my head!" I scream. I'm losing control of myself, my anger. Heart racing , blood pumping, hands shaking, breathing erratic. This is what he wants. He wants me to get emotional. That's what his plan was. I know I need to calm down, but it's too late now. 

         "Oh, I'm not just in your head. I'm everywhere. I mean, can a voice in your head do...this?"

          With a gasp, I feel my arm, not under my control, swing out and smack into the glass of water on my bedside table. I watch the glass fly off the table and shatter on the floor below. 

          "Scared Mark? Can you feel yourself slipping away? I told you, you wouldn't last long." Dark says.

          Once again, my hand, without my control, wrenches away from me and sends a picture of me and Jacksepticeye that was on the table flying across the room, where it hits the wall with an audible crack. With a final push, I feel  him burst through my control and flood through my being. I feel myself fade away as I lose feeling of my body, and then everything goes black, and I slip away.


Hey ! Thanks for reading! As always I appreciate any and all votes, feedback , etc.

Thank you so much for reading , and as always, I will see you.. in the next chapter!


In case you're interested-

Song: Monsters by Ruelle

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