Chapter 6- Raise a Finger

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        "Ew, that's fucking nasty, man,"Mark says as I take a swig of milk straight from the jug.

          "How so? It's your mouth.", I say, smirking.

           "Well, yeah, but...", Mark starts to say but trails off.

           "Hmm? What did you say? I'm waiting for something that resembles a valid argument."

            "You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Mark retorts.

             "You're just saying that because you know I'm right, and you don't want to admit it, so now you're mad  ."

              "Oh, I'm mad? Glad you noticed. I'm mad because you TOOK OVER MY BODY!" Mark says angrily.

             "God, you're naggy. I don't remember taking over the body of a 65-year-old mother-in-law."

            "Oh, fuck you"

             "Hey, don't be rude. And anyway, I think that would be pretty hard for you to do, being that we inhabit the same body." I say, smirking.

            "Oh wow, look at you. You're so witty. You might as well rename yourself Mr. Clever."

            I pick up Mark's phone with my free hand and enter the password. No new texts or calls. Figures, as it's three in the morning.

            "What- how do you know my password?" Mark asks.

            "Dude, are you that stupid? Just because I couldn't control your body doesn't mean I wasn't there. I saw everything through your eyes."

            "Oh. Yeah."

            "Wow, you're a bigger idiot then I thought, Mark. And that's saying something. You know, it might actually be better for you that I took over your body."

            "You know what? I oughta- you're lucky I don't-"

           "Don't what, Mark? You can't do shit. You can't even raise a finger." I taunt.

            Suddenly I feel a wave of anger, a surge of strength, come from Mark. My middle finger, not of my own volition, raises up and points at my face.

           "You see" Mark says in my head, but the next words come out of my mouth, even though it's not me saying them "I actually can."

           I feel my control weakening, the jug of milk, still in my hand, slips from my grasp and falls to the floor as I lose feeling of my body. Then everything goes black.


Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed that chapter. I wanted to show how quickly Dark's mood can change, from playful and mocking to angry and hostile in no time. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to read my story, it's horrible but for some reason you guys like it, take the time to read it, and want more. And that's all I could ask for. I appreciate any and all feedback and votes. I'm going to be hopefully uploading each Monday and Thursday. Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you.. in the next chapter!

Buh bye !

PS. Did any of you get the Doctor Who reference? No? What? Oh, it wasn't funny? You don't care? I should just stop trying? I'll go home.

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