Chapter 14- Strange Habits

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Jack had been staying with me for three days now. We had filmed several videos together, for both of our channels. When we had free time, I was showing him around LA, my favorite sights and hangouts, good places to eat. We went to the Hollywood area together, taking pictures next to the stars of our famous actors and actresses on the Walk of Fame, as well as stupid pictures and poses with the wax figures at Madame Tussauds. In the evening, we would eat dinner and then sit on the couch, editing videos, side by side but in our own separate worlds.

Each night we watched a different horror movie. There was one time where Jack's hand was next to mine, resting on the couch between us. At one point in the movie, I got scared and instinctively grabbed Jacks hand. A second late I realized what I'd done and quickly let go, blushing and embarrassed, grateful that the room was dark so he couldn't see my flaming cheeks.

There were some things that were.. weird, as well.

One morning I came down to make breakfast, Jack was still asleep. I walked into the kitchen, and noticed that the refrigerator door was open. What's more,food was missing.  When I asked about it, he denied it. Weird. Why would he lie? I mean, late night fridge raids were a bit strange, but why didn't he just admit it? I wouldn't get mad.

Later that day, I was going to my room, when I felt a cold draft in the hall. Looking, I saw that Jack's window was wide open.

"Hey, Jack?"

"Yea?" he looked up from his laptop, where he was sitting on the couch.

"Do you want me to close your window?"

"Huh? "He looked startled.

"Don't look so nervous, I'm not mad or anything, I just wanted to know if you want it closed."

"O-oh. No it's okay, leave it. I-I leave it open, when I sleep. You know, cool air."

"Do you want me to turn up the air conditioning? If it's too hot, I can adjust it."

"N-no. Its fine, really. I just like the fresh air."

"Okay. "

I walked into my room, a little confused. It wasn't a big deal, honestly. Many people slept with their windows open, I didn't have a problem with it, but why had he gotten so nervous?

I shook my head to clear it. I had other things to worry about.


Hello everyone! I'm doing a double update, so that should be fun. I'll do the Question of the Day in the next chapter. Also- 500 reads. Fucking insane! Thank you all so much for supporting this story, and my shitty writing. Make sure to vote and comment, if you liked it! Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh bye!

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