Chapter 22- Black Diamonds

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Sometime in the night, I feel myself start to regain awareness, and with Dark sleeping, I manage to regain control, and feel myself flood through my body again. I look at the time- 3:00. I yawn.

Next thing I know, the sun is shining through my window, and my clock says 9:00. With a yawn, I get out of bed and shuffle down the hall to Sean's room. The door is open, so I walk in. "Sean? It's 9:00. You want breakfast?" He stirs and opens his eyes. "Dark?" 

I freeze. "N-no. Me. Mark. How do you know about him?"

He sighs and looks disappointed. "I'm very well aquainted with your friend." he says, and I freeze as the events of last night come flooding back. "A-Anti?" 

"Yep." he smirks and looks up at me with eyes like cold, hard black diamonds. "Pleasure to meet you. Sadly, you bore me. I'd much rather have Dark." he stares at me and stands up, then collapses to the floor. I kneel down next to him. "Sean?"

He groans and opens his eyes. Blue eyes. He looks at me, then gets up and stalks out without a word.

All through breakfast, Sean hardly says anything. Finally, I cant take it anymore. I need to know if he remembers last night. 

"Why didn't you tell me about Anti?" I blurt out.

He looks at me, startled, then glares. "Why didn't you tell me about Dark?" he counters.

"Actually, that's why I invited you here."

"Gee, well, thanks for telling me." he says sarcastically. I hold back my anger and move my chair closer to his, reaching to put my hand on his. "Listen, Sean-" but he flinches at my movement and gets up quickly. 

"Save it, Mark."

I watch his retreating figure.

He didn't finish his cereal. It's going to go soggy.

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