Chapter 4- Blood of the Free

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          I jump out of bed, stretching my legs and flexing my arms, rotating my shoulders and wrists and cracking my neck. It feels so good after being trapped inside Mark for so long.  Finally, I can have this body completely to myself. Well, no. Not completely. I can feel Mark stirring in the back of my head, too weak to say anything but definitely there, aware of what was happening. I was slightly annoyed that he was still there. He had this body for years, and now it's my turn. 

        Then , I realized the perks this situation could have. Let him watch while I put his body- No. My body- to good use. Let him feel what it's like to be awake but trapped, suffering and silent, not able to do anything on his own, but still see everything that was happening. This was gonna be fun, I could tell.

        I walked over to where the shattered picture frame lay , on the opposite side of the room. Leaning down, I picked it up and examined it. Mark had gotten so angry when I threw it. In the picture, Jack was smiling, blue eyes shining, his arm draped over Mark's shoulders somewhat possessively. Jack liked Mark, it was so fucking obvious. But Mark, fucking idiot that he was, had been oblivious and never noticed. He thought they were just friends. But I knew things about Mark that Mark didn't know about himself. Being imprisoned in someone's body gives you a lot of time to learn about and observe your surroundings.  

        Mark had always been fond of Jack, but lately those feelings had intensified. Mark, of course, was too much of a pussy to say or do anything about it. Although , as much as he denied it, he always got very defensive and hostile whenever I mentioned Jack. Whenever I wanted to get him angry, to break him slowly, all I had to do was talk about Jack. It worked every time. 

         I looked down again at the shattered picture in my hand, and noticed for the first time that my finger was bleeding. The way I'd been holding the broken picture frame, a small shard of glass had cut me, not too deeply but enough to draw a decent amount of blood. 

       With my injured finger, I smeared a small bit of blood onto Jack's beaming face in the photo. Smiling, I licked my finger, savoring the metallic taste. I could feel Mark cringing and gagging. The little bitch hated the taste and sight of blood. 

       "Don't worry , Mark" I promised, not being able to keep the smile off my face. "There's plenty more of that to come."


Hello everyone !! So that was chapter 4! Glad you made it this far, and hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, and if you did like this, I'd appreciate any and all votes and feedback of any kind . Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you.. in the next chapter! Buh- Bye!!

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