Chapter 28- Without a Response

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(Listen to the song as you read, if you'd like.)


I panic, kneeling down, shaking him, yelling his name, without a response. He could very well be dead, if it weren't for the faint pulse in his wrist and slight rythmic rise and fall of his chest. 

I call the police. 

The emergency responders arrive, loading him into the stretcher. I'm all ready to climb in the back of the ambulance with him when a paramedic puts a hand to my chest. 

"Sorry, sir. Only family allowed. What's your relation with him?" 

"I'm..." I pause.

Say it. 

"I'm his friend."

The minute the words pass through my lips, I feel sick to my stomach. But why?

We are friends.

Or at least, we were. 

Whatever happened, happened. 

It didn't mean anything. 

Stupid to even think about it. 

And, after everything I've done, I'm not worthy to even call myself his friend, certainly nothing more. 

Then why does it hurt so much?


Less than five chapters. 

How did the song work?

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