Chapter 10- Eyes of Blood

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    "Hey, really nice editing, man!"

   "Yea, those red eyes looked so real, for a moment I actually thought they were!"

  "Holy shit Mark, those eyes are fucking terrifying!"

  "Are those contacts?"

       I'm reading through the comments of my latest video. What? Red eyes? What are they talking about? I stop reading the comments, and scroll up and press play. I don't pay attention to the video, really, just staring at my eyes the whole time. Sure enough, throughout the video, every few minutes, my eyes seem to melt from their normal brown to a deep blood red. It only lasts for a second each time, then fades away, but it happens several times. Then, towards the end of the video, they stay red, for almost 10 seconds. How did I not notice this when I was editing? How?

     I'm sitting, confused, anxious and worried, when out of nowhere, a shudder runs through my body like a shockwave. I feel a quick, sharp, stabbing pain in my head.

     "Hey, Mark! Miss me?"

     I cringe, hearing the cold mocking voice inside my head, for the first time in several days. How could I have been so stupid? He never fucking left, he was here the whole time! Growing stronger. 

    I suddenly have an idea. I know I can't do this alone. He may think I'm crazy, but hopefully, he'll believe me. He's smart, he'll know what to do. We'll get through this together, we'll figure something out. Without thinking, I grab my phone and, with shaking hands, call Jack. I wait two rings, starting to panic. Is he not going to pick up? I need to talk to someone.  Finally, after three rings, he answers.


   "Hi, Jack. Uh, I need to talk to you about something.."

   "Is everything okay? You sound pretty freaked out." Jack says. 

   I'm quiet for a minute, trying to get my thoughts together.  Then I speak.

   "Something's going on, Jack. I need your help. Can you please come over? It's a long story, too much to go into over the phone. I'll explain it to you when you get here."

  Jack is silent for a moment.

  "Uhh, Mark, I don't know. I'm kinda going through something right now, and-"

 "Jack. Please." I sound desperate, but I don't care. I need someone to be with me, to help me. I'm scared.

  "I'm sorry, Mark, but-"

  Suddenly he freezes, midsentence, the line goes silent. Half a minute later, I hear him say "Yea, absolutely. I'll pack my bags, and be there tomorrow. We're gonna have so much fun." With that, he hangs up, and the line goes dead.

     I sit there, staring at the phone in my hand, confused but grateful for his sudden change of heart. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I need to clean up a bit before Jack gets here. I get up. First, though, I head into the kitchen. I'm starving, which is strange, as I just ate a full meal maybe an hour ago. 


Hello everyone! I'm sorry for not updating for a week, it's just been a long week. So, I decided to give you a longer chapter than usual. I love you all, and I'm so, so happy for your support.

200! 200 reads! I'm shook, guys! I never thought I'd have 2 reads, never mind 200! I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate every one of them, and every one of you. It's great, but I didn't start writing this book with the goal of being 'wattpad famous' or whatever. And my goal hasn't changed yet. In all honesty, I wouldn't care if I had 15 reads or 15,000. If I had one person, just one, read my book and enjoy it, then my goal is achieved. I just want people to enjoy my book. If one person reads my book and laughs or smiles, or if it's just a welcome distraction from whatever bullshit is going on in their life, then I've achieved what I was aiming for in the beginning of this book. I'm so glad this book can grow with you all, and I plan on sharing many more adventures with Mark, Dark, and company. And of course, all of you guys.

Make sure to vote and comment any feedback you may have. Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh-Bye!

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