Chapter 8- Uneasy Silence

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I woke up the next morning and glanced at the clock, realizing several things at once: one, it was almost 12:00, I had slept almost 9 hours. Glancing out my window, I saw that the sun was already high in the sky. I was shocked, I usually never slept this late. And for once, I actually felt well rested. No dreams, no tossing and turning, no waking up in the middle of the night. I sat there, enjoying the calm and quiet. That's when I realized- quiet. It was completely quiet, not only in my house, but in my own head as well. I felt more energized then I had in a long time. That's when I remembered the events of last night. Our mental battle for control, dominance. Him taking over, me using everything I had to regain control. The things he had said.

I waited, silent in my bed, knowing that it wouldn't last. Waiting for Dark's mocking, cold voice to sound inside my head and shatter my sense of peace. I waited and waited, knowing that it was inevitable, that it would come any minute now. A few minutes passed, and nothing. He was silent, completely and utterly silent, for the first time in God knows how long. For a quick second, I dared to hope against hope that he was actually gone, no longer with me. But I knew better then to get my hopes up. I could still feel him there, even though he was silent. But he felt.. subdued. And besides, whatever I had done last night was only temporary. In no way had it been enough to get rid of him completely, I was just going to be honest with myself. But I was happy it had worked. You never realize how lucky you are to have a body you can move and control until you longer have it.

After a few more minutes of waiting in bed, I came to the conclusion that he was either to angry or exhausted from his bout last night to speak up. I didn't like it. I was relieved, of course, but it made me nervous all the same. I had no idea for certain what his silence meant. For all I knew, he could be secretly planning at this moment to take over again. But knowing the peace of mind wouldn't last forever, I decided to take advantage of it while I could. I got out of bed and went to go make breakfast. I would sit and eat while watching television, take a little break for an hour. Then I would record some videos. Energized, renewed, and happy, I was looking forward to being able to play a game and completely enjoy it without Dark torturing me.


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you're enjoying the story so far!! I appreciate any and all feedback and votes, but to be honest I'm just really happy you guys are liking it!

Also, some of you may have noticed that my book has an actual cover now. With actual words! I want to give a HUGE thank you to blurrynat for taking the time to make the cover to my book. If you don't already know who she is, please go check her out. She's written some awesome Markiplier fanfiction as well as other cool stuff, and she's funny, talented, kind, creative and just an all around awesome person in general.

Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh bye!

* Sorry, yes, the new cover is having a bit of trouble uploading, but it will be there by tomorrow, promise!

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