Chapter 5- Screams of the Captive

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          "Let me out of here!" I scream. 

         I'm awake, I can see everything through my eyes, or Dark's eyes now. But I have no control. I'm losing it. It's hard to explain how it felt, but for once, I actually felt kind of sorry for Dark. Being trapped this way for so long- no wonder he wanted out so badly. 

       Is it possible to have a panic attack when you can't feel and have no control of your body? I don't know, and I really hope I don't find out, though it feels like I'm getting to the point where I'll have no choice. 

       "So Mark, is it cozy in there? Are you comfortable?", Dark says.

       "You motherfucking bastard. You got what you wanted. Why do you still have to torture me?"

       "Because it's fun." he answers matter of factly.

       "Oh, and can you stop screaming and yelling in there, please? You're giving me a headache." Dark says. 

       "Oh, kind of like the ones you've constantly given me for the last I don't know how long? Consider it payback, bitch." I retort. 

       "Wow, that's petty. Even so, payback or not, it's useless. You might as well give up, no one can hear you but me." 

       "Yeah, maybe if I scream and annoy you enough, you'll kill yourself and go away." I say.

        Dark chuckles and says "Interesting idea, but there's one major flaw in your plan."

        "Oh yeah? What?"

        Dark says "I may be pulling the strings now, but this was originally your body, and you're still here, so if I die, you say bye-bye too, Markimoo." 

      I'm silent, thinking over this news. He's right and he knows it. 


      That finally shut him up. God, he was so annoying. But I wasn't saying that just to muzzle or scare him. Okay , it was to scare him, yes, and it worked, so that was an added bonus.  But I wasn't lying. If Mark really pisses me off, he better hope I don't have an ... accident. But I'm not planning on that anytime soon. I've finally gotten control and I don't plan on wasting it, losing my body, anytime soon , after waiting so fucking long.

      I go to the fridge to find something to eat. Hey, even demons have to eat sometime.  I grab a gallon of milk and drink straight from the jug, because I am just such a badass.


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed chapter 5. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it. I'm not sure about this chapter. I hope you liked it though! Thank you everyone so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter ! Buh bye!!

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