Chapter 20- Perfectly Pleasant Experience

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(Listen to the song as you read the chapter.)


Our lips connected. For a second, he seemed to kiss back, only an instant, and then he wrenched away, my hands, which a second ago had been cupping his face, were now holding air.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I stared at him, realizing what I'd just done. His horrified expression made me feel physically sick to my stomach.

"I-I-" I stuttered. This was not the reaction I'd been expecting. But what had I expected?

Nothing. I hadn't been thinking at all.

"I -I thought-"

"You thought wrong, Mark. I don't know what you think we have between us, but that's not it! We're friends. Nothing more."

My heart hurt, it ached. I felt anger course through me, and a feeling I hadn't had in several days.

Look at him.

He teased you.

He's laughing at you.

You're a joke to him.

I was furious. Embarrassed. He made a fool of me. I felt a white hot wave of hatred wash over me. For once, I didn't fight it, welcoming it.


Mark was already angry and hurt, all he needed was that little push, which I generously provided, and I was there.

I smiled and grabbed Sean's chin, forcing him to look at me.

He glared at me, startled.
"Let me go, Mark."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. What are you gonna do? You can't do anything. You're pathetic. Weak"

"I'm strong."

"Really? Is that why Signe left you?"

"She didn't leave me, it was a mutual agreement!"

"Uh huh, okay. Keep lying."

Sean wrenched his face from my grip, standing up from the couch and backing away. I followed him, taking my time.


"Almost, but not quite. It's nice to finally meet you, Sean."

"What the-?" he started, but I cut him off, and before he knew what was happening, I had pinned him against the wall, smashing my lips against his. Taken by surprise, he was too shocked to fight, but he was stiff, unyielding, resisting. He managed to pull away.

"Mark?" he gasped, close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my face.

"Shh. If you just relax, you will find this a perfectly pleasant experience." I purred before attacking his lips again. He tensed,but he was human, and as humans do, he responded to touch. Seconds later he relaxed, sinking into the kiss, lips moving against mine.

Putty in my hands.

I moved my lips away from his. His eyes were closed and he moved his head towards me, lips seeking mine again, his body ruling his actions, as I'd known it would.  I moved my lips to the base of his throat. I whispered against his skin "Sean?"

"Y-yea?" he gasped.

"I need your... help with something," I purred against his neck.

"W-what is it?" he asked breathlessly.

I took my time before answering, slowly planting a line of kisses down his neck, lingering a second before doing the next one, moving down slightly each time.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine. I think you know where he is."

I bit  the soft, pale flesh of his neck, not too hard, but it was enough to make him gasp.

"What are you talking about?" I could feel his throat vibrate against my lips as he spoke.

"You know." I whispered, attacking his neck again, smiling to myself when he let out a moan, shivering as I found his sweet spot.

"Just relax. You're fine. " I purred. The moment I said the last word, he seemed to melt, losing all tension, as loose and relaxed as a puppet on a  slack string. I reached the base of his throat and started my way back up, a line of kisses up his neck, his lower jaw, his chin, kissing his lips and then his cheekbones, ending right under his ear.

"Come on, Anti." I whispered in his ear before biting the soft skin.

"What? N-no! I don't want him, no!" I cut off Sean's cries by attacking his lips again. "Come on Anti, I know you're in there!" I growled, biting down on Sean's lip, him eliciting a sound that was half gasp, half moan. His hands moved to my shoulders, pushing me away and pulling me closer at the same time, moving to my chest. I kissed him roughly, forcefully, and the hands became rough, angry, violent. I was suddenly pushed away with a strength that couldn't possibly belong to Sean. Smiling, I hit the wall on the other side of the room with a gasp. Sean pushed himself away from the wall and walked towards me, grinning.

"Hi, Dark."

"Hello, Anti."


Hello everybody! Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

Did any Whovians get the Doctor Who reference? Let me know!

Also, did the song work with the chapter?

I'll update this authors note tomorrow.

Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh bye!

Song: Trap (J Paul Remix) by Elizaveta

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