Chapter 11- Haste of the Host

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       I told myself I was going to make the house clean for Jack, but I should have known I was lying to myself. Somehow, my plan of: vacuuming the house, cleaning the guestroom, cleaning the kitchen, and other tasks turned into: straightening the couch cushions and pillows, throwing a clean fluffy blanket on the guest bed, spraying air freshener around the house, picking up dirty socks off my bedroom floor, and taking out the trash. I looked around, it seemed enough. It had been a long time since Jack had come over, even though he lived much closer to me after moving from Ireland to the USA. I was a little nervous. I tried to come up with reasons for the way my house looked- Jack might be embarrassed if he came and saw that I had made a big deal over him, while just making the house neat but homey and lived in would probably make him feel comfortable. Oh, stop bullshitting yourself, you're just too lazy to clean. I thought to myself. 

    I took one last look around, making sure the doors were locked and lights off.  Chica was already upstairs, fast asleep, her legs sprawled out, taking up almost half the bed. I got ready for bed, and was almost asleep when I heard "I'm so excited, aren't you?" I bolted upright, my sudden movement startled Chica from her slumber. She looked at me, her eyes half closed, gave a little huff of air, then put her head down again. I sat there, just staring into the dark, waiting. Then- 

"Are you nervous? Scared Jack-a-boy isn't gonna like your house?"

      I rolled my eyes, and said "No, I'm not nervous. Nothing is going to happen. In fact, the whole point of him coming over is so he can help me get rid of you."

     "Aww, that's cute." Dark said. "You actually think you can get rid of me? That's adorable, really. And anyway, what makes you think he's gonna believe you? He'll think you're crazy."

    "No, he won't. Jack is my friend, he'll believe me." I said, trying to sound confident, but inside, I wasn't completely sure. Dark did have a point. What sane, rational person would believe me? The normal course of action would be to put me in a straight jacket. No. Jack wouldn't do that to me. We would get through this, and it would all be over in a couple of days. 

    Dark was silent for a few minutes. Figuring he was done for the night, I relaxed, sinking into my pillow, snuggling into my blankets. But just before I fell asleep, a question arose in the back of my mind, and it troubled me, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it before the waves of sleep pulled me under: What exactly have I dragged Jack into?


    The next morning, I woke up early. Jack had texted me the night before, telling me his flight would be landing in the morning and he'd take a taxi to my place, so I sent him my address. I went into the kitchen, intending to make some breakfast before both of us. I opened my refrigerator and -"Shit. I forgot to go food shopping." I was looking into a near empty fridge. I sighed and closed the refrigerator doors. I guess we could go to the diner.

    I was just walking out of the kitchen when the doorbell rang. I went to the door, Chica barking, and opened it. What awaited me on the other side made me gasp.


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, things will be picking up in the next, I promise. Do you guys want me to do an early update tomorrow, or wait till Thursday? Let me know in the comments. I'm glad you're all enjoying this story so far! And votes and feedback are appreciated, but I'm just happy you guys are enjoying my shitty story. Let me know in the comments what your favorite part is so far!Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh-Bye!

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