Chapter 13- Hospitality

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I led Jack inside, setting his stuff down in the living room.

"Thanks for letting me stay at your place, Mark. Although you are the one who asked me to be here in the first place," Jack said, smiling.

"I'm just glad you're here, I really appreciate it."

Jack ran a hand through his messy green hair and yawned. "Holy shit, I'm tired. But I'm also hungry."

"Funny you should say that, actually. Just before you got here, I was gonna make us both some breakfast, but realized that my fridge is empty. You look dead on your feet, so how about this- you take a nap, get some rest. Then, after you get some sleep, we'll go to this really good diner nearby, and on the way back home, we'll stop by the supermarket and pick up some food."

"Sounds like a plan." He said through a yawn.

I led him upstairs to the guest bedroom, him lugging his suitcase, me carrying his other luggage. When he walked in, he looked around. The room was nothing fancy, just a bed, closet, some drawers, a trunk at the foot of the bed, and a desk and night-table. It was painted a light shade of blue, with the furniture a deep brown. 

I set his bags down at the foot of the trunk, and he wheeled his suitcase to put it next to the door.

"Thanks again, for doing this for me." he said.

"You don't have to thank me, just get some sleep! You look like shit."

"Gee, thanks, asshole."

"Bathroom is down the hall, and if you need anything, my room is across from the bathroom, but I'll probably be downstairs, recording."

"Thanks, Mark.

I walked out of the room, and went to check on Chica downstairs. She was fast asleep on the couch, which explained why she wasn't all over Jack. After barking when the doorbell rang, she got bored and went away, but I knew that when she woke up, Jack would be getting the third degree. 

I went to my recording room and set up, turning on my mic, lights, and camera. I was all set, when I realized I was still in my pajamas. Going back upstairs, I passed Jack's room, and was greeted with a funny sight. Jack was sprawled on the bed, limbs splayed out like a starfish. He was fast asleep, and his sneakers were still on his feet. I laughed quietly to myself, this was the calmest I had ever seen him. Already, he looked refreshed, not so worn out. I was right, he needed the sleep. For a moment, I thought about taking his shoes off, then thought better of it. I didn't want to risk waking him up. 

I took one more look at him. He was so peaceful. I was grateful for it. No nightmares disturbed his slumber. He was untroubled, at peace. I hoped that it stayed that way. I closed the door quietly, so I wouldn't wake him up with my noise,wincing when it squeaked a bit on it's hinge. I froze, not breathing, but he slept on.  Closing it the rest of the way, I went to my room and got dressed, then went to record some videos.


Hello everybody! Thank's for reading this chapter, sorry for inconsistent updates. I'm planning on updating for the next two days, and it'll be more exciting than this chapter was. What do you think, so far, of this book in general, and what's your favorite part? Let me know in the comments! (I might have asked this previously, I'm sorry.)

Thank you for 450 reads! You guys are insane!! Thank you all so much! Also, thank you all for your support and well wishes about my previous news. It means a lot to me. 

If you liked this chapter, make sure to vote and comment, as any and all feedback is appreciated!

Question of the Day:

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

My answer - Flying/ super speed/ teleportation, because I could go all over the world. Plus I'm a huge fan of The Flash, and super speed just seems really fucking cool!

Thank you everybody so much for reading, and as always, I will see you... in the next chapter! Buh-Bye!

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