Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Making Camp

Kiara rode Storm through the deep forest; she felt the wind in her hair and the power of the mare’s hooves beneath her. She had been riding for a long time and it was so dark she couldn’t see too far ahead of her. Kiara halted Storm and dismounted off the mare’s back. Kiara heard the distant babbling of a small river, ‘good I will be able to get some water quickly in the morning then head off.’ She thought to herself.

Kiara’s eyes searched the small clearing for some saplings that were close enough together to make a shelter. She spotted a few on the far side and she pulled out a huge piece of deer hide and rope from the bottom of her pack. Kiara tied the three saplings together and wrapped the huge piece of deer hide around them. She then stitched the rope through the small holes on the two ends so that the shelter would stay together. Kiara then gathered some fire wood then pulled her pack inside the shelter and invited the wolves in.

“Luca,” Kiara said calmly,

“Yes Pack-sister?” The wolf said,

“Pack-brothers, Echo and Koda are with pack that smells of Otters,” Kiara stated,

“Pack-sister needed Pack-brothers to be with the pack?” Luca asked,

“Yes,” she replied,

“A wolf must not be of two packs,” He said trotting out of the shelter.

Kiara had always found it hard to understand wolves. Since there is no future in wolf talk, everything must be said differently. Kiara found it especially hard to communicate with Luca he was always speaking in riddles to her, but Alue on the other hand was very easy to talk with. She was one of the few wolves who understood what she was saying if she said something that involved the future. Kiara woke a fire and rolled out her sleeping sack, she snacked on some salmon cakes and tossed Alue a piece to make an offering to her clan guardian. Kiara then lied down in her sleeping sack, but she didn’t dare go to sleep. She was still fairly close to the camp, and it wouldn’t take long for the mage to realize that the girl being outcasted is gone.

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