Chapter 32

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Dedicated to FireAndShadow

Chapter 32 - The Power of Dark Magic

Suddenly Asteria’s hand wrapped around the middle of the arrow and she snapped it in half. Kiara’s eyes jumped up to where the arrow had flown from and she met the eyes of Koda. The wind stopped whirling around Asteria and blew the dirt from her hands.

“WHO DARE INTERUPT MY MAGECRAFT?!” Asteria’s voice boomed out and it echoed around the cavern.

Suddenly Koda felt extreme pain around his neck and his body was lifted off the ground. Kiara looked at Asteria who had a hand held out in front of her gripping the air. She made a wicked motion towards the ground with her hand, and Koda was smashed down onto the cavern floor. Kiara’s eyes grew wide as she tried to process what had just happened. She felt anger rise in her, as she stared at Koda’s limp body on the cavern floor.

“Leave him alone!” Kiara yelled desperately, but Asteria paid no attention to Kiara’s words and stalked towards Koda.

Asteria pushed her right hand forward with her fingers spread out. Suddenly a purple and blue circle formed and rotated in front of her hand. At the circles center was a glowing eagle owl with swirls around it.

“Twist” Asteria said with power behind her voice.

Suddenly glowing purple beams flew out of the circle towards Koda and twisted around him. Asteria walked up him, bent down and gripped his face.

“Well, well, well, look what we have here. The Forest Girl’s pathetic little mate. I should dispose of you right now, but I think I will find it thrilling to see your reaction when I drain your mate of her soul. Then I will test my new powers on your pathetic little body.” Asteria threatened. Koda struggled to move but he didn’t get very far, because the purple beams surrounded him. “How pathetic, you actually think you can get out. You’re quite a persistent one aren’t you?” She continued. Koda managed to get a leg free and kicked her in the shin.

“Ah! You little brat! I’ll show u some pain if that’s how you want to play.” She said as she re-gripped his throat.

Asteria raised him by his neck and whipped him at the cavern wall. Koda hit it with a bone cracking thud and collapsed onto the cavern floor. Kiara watched in fear hoping he would get up. Asteria walked back over to the table and started the chant again.

“Oh great Earth,

Asteria summons the roots of the living,

Bind me to the mother,

By rock and dust,

Bind me to the Earth’s crust,

Through Earth and Stone, Ground and Bone, the Daughter of Eostra summons thee,

She binds them to her.”

The cavern shook under her feet as she gripped the dirt in her hand. Then she started to chant again.

“Oh great water,

Asteria summons the source of the living,

Splash and spray,

With tides and waves,

Let Asteria absorb your great waters,

By tide and ripple, drop and drizzle, the Daughter of Eostra summons thee,

She binds them to her.”

Once again condensation started to build up on the walls of the cavern.

“Oh great wind,

Asteria summons the breath of the living,

With howling air,

And whispering sky’s,

Let Asteria breathe your life,

By breath of air, and howling sky, the Daughter of Eostra summons thee,

She binds them to her.”

Wind howled down the cavern tunnel and spun around Asteria.

“Oh great fire,”

Kiara screamed out in pain, she felt her soul tugging at her insides and Koda gathered some strength in him to stand.

“Asteria summons the Spirit of the living”

Koda pulled his knife from its sheath and started to limp towards Asteria, but she was too busy chanting to take note of him.  

“From the deepest dark, to the brightest light,”

Suddenly Koda jumped out at Asteria interrupting the ritual once again. She turned and gripped his wrist, and pull the knife out of his hand.

“Wrong move, you pathetic child. I guess you leave me no choice but to kill you in front of your mate.” Asteria said in a stern voice.

“NO! You can't!” Kiara yelled at her across the cavern.

“I’m sorry, but you are in no position to negotiate, young lady.” Asteria replied, as she grabbed Koda by the neck and whipped him across the cavern into the wall again. Asteria stalked towards Koda’s limp body and rose him up in the air by his neck with her magic. Asteria pulled him into her hand and squeezed his neck. Kiara struggled against the rope that tied her hands but it was impossible to get free. Kiara watched in terror as Asteria rose the knife to his chest.

“NO! I AM THE ONE YOU WANT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Kiara screamed through tears.

Kiara looked up at Koda and his eyes met hers. Asteria yanked Koda’s face to look at her, and he stared back at her with anger. He wanted to rip her to shreds, but he couldn’t.

“Say goodbye.” Asteria whispered. At that Koda’s head shot towards Kiara.

“Kiara I-” suddenly pain soared through his chest as the knife broke his skin, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t speak. He could barely breathe, he tried but failed to get enough. 


This chapter is dedicated to my loyal reader FireAndShadow who has constantly commented on my book. She has inspired me to keep writing and I really appreciate her comments and votes. She is the only reason I updated this week because I know how bad she wants me to finish this book. This is not the last chapter, but I am going to try and write a second book even tho I can't seem to start it. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment.

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