Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 – Cloudberries

When they got back to the camp they ate some deer meat for dinner and cleaned up. Koda was mending his sleeping sack and Kiara was sucking on the cloudberries Koda got her.

Koda sat cross-legged with his sleeping sack on his lap, repairing the holes that were getting too big. Kiara sat across from him, closer to their shelter, with her back against a beech tree.

"Do you want some cloudberries?" She asked as she held out her hand. Koda flicked his eyes from the berries and back to his mate’s face. His eyes then moved up and down her body analyzing every inch of her.  

"Koda?" Kiara's voice pulled him away from his thoughts and he let out a yelp as his bone needle stabbed into skin.

He tried to hide his slip up. "Oh, uh. No, thank you."

Kiara shrugged, and returned to her berries. Koda shot her a look and tried to focus on his work.

He managed to repair all but two of the holes before he looked up again. He nearly dropped his needle. Kiara was still in the same position as before but her hair was now loose around her face and shoulders. In her hands, she was down to the last few berries. Koda watched her slender fingers take one of the small berries and popped it into her mouth. Koda was about to look away when he saw a drop of juice that had escaped her lips and was slipping down the side of her jaw. He expected Kiara to wipe it away with the back of her hand, but she didn't. With a slowness that he thought was unimaginable, it slid down one side of her smooth throat. It finally stopped its trail where her collarbones met. He watched again as the last berry was swallowed. Another drop of juice followed the same path as the first, picking up where the other left off and the dribble slipped down past the hem of her jerkin. Koda suppressed the growl that rumbled in his chest. Kiara stood up, and started moving towards the shelter. Koda dropped his things and got up to step in front of her.

Kiara new the look on his face, this was all part of her tease. Trying not to smile, she faked annoyance. "Koda, what are you-" The words left her mind as two rough, strong hands gently grasped the sides of her face, tilting her head back and exposing her neck. She gasped and grabbed Koda’s shoulders as she felt his tongue at her throat, trailing up to her mouth and following the line of juice that the cloudberries had left. Koda's eyes met her own, his wolfish eyes were taken over by lust. Koda broke the stare and fell to her lips. A moan escaped Kiara's lips and she melted into him as his mouth found hers. His hands dropped to the small of her back as she nibbled at his bottom lip, teasing him again, like she had with the cloudberries. Koda push her back up agianst the beech tree and pushed his weight on her. He grabed her hands from his shoulder and pushed them agianst the tree aswell. Kiara felt herself melting and decided to take back control of the situation before she lost all awareness. She tried to slip her hands out of his grasp but failed. Koda deepened the kiss and let go of her hands. Kiara responded running her hands through his hair. She tugged at the hair on the back of his head and moaned his name. Koda growled again as he broke away from her lips and kissed along the side of her face. Kiara felt a tingling sensation as he kissed along her jaw line and up to her ear.

"You taste like cloudberries." He growled into her ear, his breath was warm and it tickles her neck.

“Hmm..." Kiara replied, not quite coherent. She felt her mate's breath on her neck as he breathed on her skin.

"I like cloudberries." He growled again.

Suddenly, Kiara felt a rush of air as she was lifted from the ground. She wrapped her arms around Koda's neck, pressing her forehead against his, as he carried her to their shelter.

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