Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 –The Silent Dawn

Koda woke up facing Kiara’s sleeping body beside him. Koda studied her peaceful face, ‘She looks so beautiful and peaceful when she sleeps. My beautiful mate, how could I ever be without you,’ he thought to himself.

Koda sat up and got out of his sleeping sack. He then rolled it up and pulled on his summer jerkin. Koda quietly searched through Kiara’s pack, looking for her journal. When he found it he flipped through the pages until he found the page he was looking for.

Morning Meals

1. Cloudberry Cakes

2. Salmon Cakes

3. Flat Cakes

4. Sizzled Deer strips

Koda read through the list until he found one that sounded interesting. The “Sizzled Deer Strips” caught his attention, so he flipped to the page.

                                    "Sizzled Deer Strips"

Main ingredients                         Optional Ingredients

- Deer Meat                                    - Ligion Berries

- Pine Sap                                     - Cloud Berries

                                                       - Sumac Berries

                                                      - Maple Sap (Substitute with Pine Sap)

Koda once again looked through Kiara’s pack, for the pine sap. He opened the jar that read pine sap on the label, only to find it empty. Koda remembered they had emptied it the other day when Kiara made her salad.

Koda picked up the jar and the pipe he had seen his mother use to collet saps from trees. He told Luca to stay and watch Kiara while he was gone and asked Echo to come with him. To Koda’s surprise Echo walked over to Alue instead. Echo nudged her and she got up and lazily trotted with him to the edge of the clearing. Koda grabbed his bow and quiver for protection and set off into the forest with the wolves.

‘It looks like Echo has found himself a mate too…’ Koda thought as he watched the two wolves run around disturbing the birds. Then realization hit him; there were no birds singing it had been strangely quiet all morning. ‘That’s odd…’ he thought. He signaled Echo and Alue to stop, and they responded immediately, sensing the urgency in his jester. Koda listened, but heard nothing, not one bird was singing, or squirrel chattering or running. There was no wind either, not even the slightest breeze. It was as if someone had frozen the forest. This was very strange.

Then Koda had this feeling that he couldn’t describe but he knew something was wrong. He turned around and drew his knife but saw nothing. He was about to take a step when he heard the most terrifying, bone chilling scream.

His eyes flew open in terror and realization…

“Kiara!” His mind screamed...

To be continued.....

This chapter is dedicated to all my amazing readers, I love every single one of you so much. I would never of made it this far with out you guys and I want to thank you so much for putting up with my random posts. I know I am not very consistant but I am trying my best. I also want to thank my amazing boyfriend for being my insperation, you are the most amazing thing that has happened to me. honestly I don't know how you have put up with me for all these months. ♥Happy 11 months♥ (yesterday) babe if you are reading this. And yes the extremely heroic, fun loving character, Koda, is based off of you=)♥. Anyways back to my readers thank you again guys,  you are the best. as of yesterday this book was 4th when you search "forest girl".

To be continued..... mwaaahahaha cliff hanger!!!!

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