A secret maybe best left untold.

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That's all I've heard this morning from Zak as he snapped and barked orders at me. That was just loading up the darn SUV. I was up shit creek without a paddle as they would say with him. He hadn't acknowledged me over breakfast, he refused to speak to me unless it was to have a go and he even went as far as holding the door for everyone but me..


"How you feeling?" Billy asked amused knowing my condition.

"I need an IV line of coffee into my arm... Make that both arms." I moaned rubbing my temples. I even had Aaron's shades on to try and relieve some of the sun's harshness.

"Well I can't do an IV but I can do a Starbucks.." He answered pulling one from behind his back.

"Are you serious?" I asked looking at him.

"Cappuccino, it's not hot.. It's warm as I know you hate hot drinks."

"Oh Billy. If you weren't married, I'd kiss you right now."

He laughed handing it over to me. I drank some back and savoured the coffee beans.

"Heaven.." I moaned holding it tighter in my hands.

"Robyn! Hurry up!" Zak snapped making me throw him a glare.

"Back to it." Billy smiled grabbing a case to load into another car. As I turned Zak shoved my shoulder spilling my coffee and causing me to almost drop the files I was holding.

"You need to step up." He grunted.

I could feel the anger, it restricted my chest in expanding and before I knew it, I was stalking towards him..

"What exactly is your problem?!" I snapped throwing the files down on the hood of the car beside him.

My patiences with him were gone. I was mad, in fact I was seething with him!

"My problem?! My fucking problem is you!" He growled jabbing his finger at me.

In this light he looked glorious, attractive and dare I say handsome. The sun shadowed the contours in his face and illuminated the green, blue and brown in his eyes.

He was handsome, but he also knew it.. The arrogant beautiful asshole.

"You're too hungover to do anything! You're slow and becoming a liability! Step up or you're out!" He shouted balling me out in front of the crew. Feeling embarrassed for them having to see that and having to hear it. I decided to make his choice.

Grabbing the files I threw them at his feet "I fucking quit." I snarled before walking off leaving him yelling at me.

Using the side roads and back alleys I made my way into the city. I had to walk away from him, I was stupid to hope that this lockdown would be different...

I was stupid to drink alcohol when I knew I couldn't handle it.. But it numbed the empty pain I felt. A pain I never realised was there until a couple weeks ago.

Looking around the city I smiled. Nothing had changed really, a few things were different but other than that it was still the same place.

The older shops had been rejuvenated with new, there was still a hustle and bustle to get to where you wanted to go. Traffic still backed up from the poorly designed road system and the same end of town was used for kids truanting from school..

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