Finding a retreat..

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"Hell hounds and dead nuns, it sounds like something from Supernatural." Aaron said flicking through the info pack for St Anne's retreat.

"Tell me about it. But that night up in those woods..." I replied standing beside him. Zak had been off all morning, I was putting it down to my antics yesterday, that me crying had made him feel awkward.

"Were you there?" He asked.

I shook my head "No, but I was meant to have gone.. Talk about close shave."

"Yeah definitely. Hey, you never made it to bed last night.... Now you are both avoiding each other. Is there anything I should know?" Aaron asked looking at me.


"Did you two...."

"No! God. What a thing to ask!" I replied shaking my head.

"Hey, don't shoot me. I'm only asking!" He replied defending himself.

"We slept. That was all.. Yesterday was a rough day." I answered.

"No shit. So what happened?" He asked turning his full attention my way. But before I could try to make up a half ass excuse Billy called him.

As Aaron walked over I made my way to Zak. "Hey.." I started.

"Alright." He replied in a grunt.

"Can we talk?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

"I'm busy. Look you're gonna have to take the other car. There's gonna be no room." He explained before walking off.

"S-sure.... Zak have I done something?" I asked pushing my hair back.

"Nope. I'm busy..." He said walking away.

This morning I had woke up in his room from falling asleep in there the night before. I thought Zak would have been asleep beside me this morning, I wouldn't have minded. Not like I have previous, I felt he understood a little more and if it wasn't for his support yesterday I'm sure the day would have been a whole lot harder on me.

"You ready?" Billy called.

I put my thumb up and climbed into the second hire car with Bacon and waited for them to get loaded up.

We left the hotel and headed towards St Anne's Retreat. As beautiful as the scenery was leading up to the retreat, I also knew the horrors that went down that night. How three security guards turned and held defenceless kids at gun point. Tying them up and acting almost possessed. I shuddered at the idea that I could have been one of those children, if it hadn't been the night I lost all control of myself and lashed out at the Matron.

Maybe that night I was suppose to lose myself, I had planned on climbing out the window and going with a friend who had stole some alcohol from his dad's cabinet..

"ROBYN!" Bacon yelled as a loud horn snapped me into my mind making me slam on breaks hard. From the sudden stop I was thrown back against the seat hard.

I didn't even see them! I didn't see them!

Billy had braked but I hadn't even noticed! Being half way into a stop I got out the car feeling my chest tightening.

Oh god.. Oh god. Oh god!

"I'm sorry for shouting! It's okay, just take it easy." Bacon spoke moving me away from the road I had been unknowingly wobbling towards.

"What the hell are you playing at?!" Zak yelled coming over. I heaved for my oxygen worried that my supply was disappearing and that I would suffocate.

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