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— chapter one — JULY FOURTEENTH

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— chapter one —

         MORE TIME PASSED and a lot of things changed for Remelda. The times of sleeping in her brother's loving arms and crying out her heart to him soon become distant memories and all of those loving memories changed to a yearning of something she wanted back. The memory of her brother become tainted in her mind. Not because of her parents and their cruelty, but the own revelation that Sirius had left them.

         It had happened during the summer before her fourth year. Everything was the same, nights were longer than she ever thought they could be, Remelda wanted so desperately to return to Hogwarts, even though she hated her house and everything it stood for with a burning passion, and the yells of her mother and the screams of pain from her brother haunted her every night.

         During those hours, the longest hours of the day when pain was brought down on Sirius for being a "blood-traitor", Regulus would sneak to her room and they would hold each other, trying not to focus on the screams they had from downstairs. It was those times that Remelda cursed the walls for being so thin and the ceilings so high that echoes could be heard everywhere.

         But there was one night, July 14th, where everything changed. It was the middle of summer, or near it, and everything changed in Remelda's life. There was screams downstairs, like always, but there was more yelling from her brother.

         She could vaguely recall what was said, but nothing could actually stick when she knew what was going to happen next. Something she didn't want at all but had no power to stop. Remelda remembered looking at Regulus then, her eyes trying not to show the fear that was consuming her at that moment and giving him a smile. It was best to lie for that moment, it was best if he didn't understand.

         Footsteps rang from the stairway, angry feet stomping their way up then as Remelda snuck from her room, telling Regulus to wait for her to return as she went to see a red, puffy eyed Sirius looking at her with guilt.

         Oh the guilt he felt, knowing that he would be leaving them. It was the whole reason he had stayed so long. But he was entering his fifth year at Hogwarts, and he couldn't stand to live in fear of the house any longer. But there was guilt inside his heart as he stared at his little sister, who stared back at him with doe eyes filled with tears.

         "You're leaving, aren't you?" she whispered to him, trying to keep her emotions in check. It would do her no good to cry.

         "For a little while, yes," Sirius lied, but they both saw right through it. "I'll come back for the two of you when I can."

         The second part wasn't a lie. He wouldn't leave his siblings, his amazing siblings who were as good as him, behind in the dark. He wouldn't let them have the fate they were planned to have since birth. Sirius swallowed down his tears, trying to smile.

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