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— chapter twenty one —ONCE UPON A FULL MOON

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— chapter twenty one —

            GRIPPING THE QUILL tightly, the girl bit her lip out of frustration with eyebrows furrowed and eyes glaring. It shouldn't be that hard, it wasn't that hard, but for some reason as she looked from the textbook, her notes, and her work...she couldn't find the answer. Fuck, she really hated Herbology and its fucking nonsense for what heals what and what harms another. Yeah, maybe, it was important, but that didn't mean she wanted to learn it. So she was stuck gripping the quill until it was threatened to almost break and her brown eyes glaring at the parchment as if it were a prisoner and her a guard and staring would get it to release its answers.

         She was given no luck with that, forcing her head up as she looked at the agitated boy in front of her with a scar along his nose as he itched his arm and looked around until his eyes met the clock. Remelda frowned, wanting to ask what was wrong but her eyes just went back to her own schoolwork. There was no way she would be able to find the answer herself, at least not as quickly as she wanted, so she looked up again at Remus and decided not to ask him what was wrong. It's not like he expected her to be a good person anyways, right?

         "Hey, Remus," his eyes snapped to her and away from the clock, "You mind helping with this? Because I absolutely cannot find where in hell you find which plant heals 'shallow wounds' or what they define as shallow wounds. Believe me, I've looked everywhere in my notes and the textbook but I can't for the life of me fi–"

         "Shut the hell up, Remelda," Remus snapped at her before she could finish her ramble.

         This caused the girl to sit up straighter with tenser muscles as she raised an eyebrow at him slightly. She had never heard him raise him snap, not like that. Not when unprovoked. Of course, it was the second time she had seen him like that. Cold eyes staring at her as he let that tone be directed towards her at the second table in the library. Though, unlike last time, she saw those cold eyes soften into guilt as Remus registered what he had said.

         "Shit," he swore, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

         "Of course you did, why else would you say that?" Remelda couldn't keep the coolness out of her tone.

         "No, no, no...shit, I'm so sorry, Remelda. I'll, I'll talk to you tomorrow or something, I just – I didn't mean for it to come out like that," Remus rambled, standing up and taking his book, rushing out of the library.

         Remelda, there, was left with her mouth agape as she tried to think of a reason as to why he would act that way. Yes, she could wait until the next day and let him explain, but she wasn't going to do that. Determined, she slammed her books shut, ignoring the dirty looks of her peers and the glare of the librarian as she walked out of the place with her head high. She was going to get her answers right then.

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