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— chapter eight —LIES ARE PILING UP

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— chapter eight —

SHE DIDN'T KNOW where she was. The light was blinding, there were her brothers, still arguing, and Nadia trying to calm down her boyfriend. Alfie wasn't there (she needed to talk to him, she noted) and Remelda felt her heart racing slightly. What spell? Who did it? Why would someone want to hurt her?

Well, she could think of many things. First, her name; Black. Some people would do anything to hurt those who supported the idea of blood purity reigning all. Second, she angered them. But who had she angered? How did she anger them? Why would she anger them? And third, it was a prank. Like, the kind of pranks the Marauders would play on Severus Snape. Well, the kind they used to play on him. Apparently they hadn't that year.

But, back the main point, her heart was racing, people were yelling and her throat was sore. She looked at her arms, seeing bandages covering them. Her eyes widened at that, her wounds were worse than she imagined. Emotionally, mentally, she knew her wounds her worse than this, but physically she thought that it wouldn't be so bad. And then her mind went to the marks on her back...

Walburga and Orion didn't usually resort to physical punishments. Usually it was Crucio, but sometimes they felt like blood needed to be a part of the rituals.

Still panicked, she looked at Regulus, yelling at Sirius to leave and the older brother with his face red from anger telling him no, he wasn't going to leave his sister. If she could, Remelda probably would've laughed. Snorted, too.

(How un-ladylike of her!)

But she in a lot of pain in that moment, and her throat was scratchy still, so she didn't laugh – or snort. He had already left her, years ago. He had left her behind, without any explanation, and he had hurt her. He had been the one to drive the last bit of innocence out of her eyes, now they were just cold. Everyone was weary of her stone-cold glare, the one that practically signed your death. It could turn people to stone, metaphorically, like Medusa.

It wasn't always like that. There was a time when innocence and good shined through her eyes, twinkling them, as she looked up to her big brother. She thought he would always be there to protect her, to love and guide her, but then he left. He turned cold towards her, and she turned that was as well. It was for the best anyways, she told herself.

Remelda saw Nadia grasping at Sirius, begging for them to just leave, for everyone. But he didn't bat an eyelash at her, much like last year for her. So why was he here now? Preaching about how he would never leave them, trying to explain himself now. No, it was too late. She had decided that long ago. He had his chance, but he had lost it. She couldn't allow herself to forgive him now.

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