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— chapter twenty four —EASIER SAID THAN DONE

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— chapter twenty four —

IT SEEMED ALMOST impossible to be around Remus now. All she did was blush and hide her face and suddenly she didn't feel like Remelda anymore. Not the cold girl who was feared by many because of her name, not the girl who rolled her eyes at everything and didn't have emotions. She felt like someone entirely new and she didn't like it at all. Because before, even when she had these feelings and hadn't come to terms with it, she was still that Remelda. Still the Remelda who was confused by Disney movies and hated Herbology, who had conversations with Remus about everything. But now she was a new girl around him because of emotions – these damn emotions.

         Because since this revelation or whatever, she had begun to realize as to why she fell her him. The way he explained the concept of Sleepy Beauty to her because Nadia had already planned on them watching it the upcoming weekend, or how he gave her this small smile when she began to rant about Herbology. Honestly, why had she taken the class again that year? She was complete rubbish at it and didn't exactly like it, so why? Oh, right, the Death Eaters always need skilled heroes – and more intel on St. Mungo's. You'll do perfectly there.

         Thank you so much, parents.

         Even with them gone from her life (since January!), they were still messing with her. Making her life hell. She would escape them next year – no more Herbology for her. But she stopped rambling and rushing out her words when she saw Remus' smile as she went crazy, suddenly blushing and apologizing. And when did Remelda do that? When did Remelda Black apologize? Never. She never did and there she was apologizing and hiding behind her hair. Who was she?

         And she tried very hard for it to be unseen. Remus was friends with her brother – her brother – so it wasn't like they could even be together or anything. But she still blushed and she still went silent and looked at him with these eyes that sparkled and even though she didn't know it, he returned those eyes. And while Sirius Black was not the smartest man in the world, he knew those eyes. Sparkling eyes.

         While Sirius was not smart, he knew something about that twinkle. That glint and the smile that followed. He had seen in it James when he saw Lily, when he leaned over the Gryffindor table and bit into his apple after giving a dirtier suggestion to Lily, who would roll her eyes and maybe scoff. Liked to think he saw it in Nadia too. She always did seem to smile when she looked his way, and that was a wonderful sight. Because that sight was something more, and Sirius wanted it to be returned because he really knew himself and knew that he always had the same lovesick expression when he looked at Nadia Greene. She was too beautiful not to, really.

         With that being said, Sirius Black knew something about that look. Had seen in it his mate for months. Well, after he began talking to Remelda, that blush and defensive nature about the topic. No, Sirius, shut up. I do not – it's not. I'm not saying Remelda isn't nice. But no. Just – no, no, no.

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