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— chapter twenty eight —MOVING IN, MOVING ON

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— chapter twenty eight —

IT WAS THREE weeks into summer when she had gotten an excited letter from Sirius exclaiming they, being the Marauders, had found an apartment complex to move into. She had grinned quite largely and showed the letter to Andromeda immediately who couldn't help the ghost of a smile creeping up on her face either.

Sirius said they were moving in two weeks later, asking his sister to help them, which she agreed with. She was spending the morning before she had to go help in the kitchen with Andromeda and her child, Nymphadora, eating bacon and drinking the coffee that she had grown to love. They didn't have that drink at the place she used to live at.

Her hair was in a messy bun that Andromeda also taught her how to do one morning when they were going to the park for some sunshine. Remelda looked into the living where Nymphadora sat on the ground, watching the muggle cartoons that even the teenager liked. They were different, infuriating, and intriguing all at the same time – like most muggle things.

"Which one is that again?" her asked her cousin, who was bouncing around the kitchen trying to finish breakfast, which included eggs and toast as well.

"Hm?" Andromeda gave a small noise but didn't spare Remelda a glance, continuing to cook the eggs.

Remelda tore her eyes away from the cartoon containing the talking dog and shaggy-looking man. "The cartoon," she clarified.

"Oh," finally, the woman took a glance at the TV before continuing her work, "Scooby-Doo. Dora loves it, and it keeps her distracted long enough I can do other stuff."

"I can tell," Remelda hummed in agreement, taking a look at the young child, "Her hair is bright pink."

Andromeda smiled, looking at her daughter for a second and feeling happy. Nymphadora was a Metamorphmagus and often, on the mornings when she awoke Remelda, was her favorite cartoon character that morning, scaring the living shit out of her.

Her smile was bright as she shook her head and brought the eggs onto a plate, "That's her favorite color. Wanted her walls to be that bright pink, but Ted said no."

"Why would he deprive a child of bright, pink walls? I think they'd be wonderful," Remelda cried.

Andromeda smiled, "I know, but then we'd have to buy new furniture because the light wood doesn't go with pink at all. She threw a tantrum and didn't talk to him for a whole day before she started crying and apologizing."

Remelda laughed, imagining the scene, "She sure sounds like Ted."

"Yeah, no Black traits in her," Andromeda agreed, "I like it, helps me remember I'm not apart of them anymore, but then it's like she's not my daughter at all."

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