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— chapter twenty two —WITH LOVE, GINGER

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— chapter twenty two —

THE LETTER SEEMED so small in her hands. It was, really, small compared to her, and it weighed almost nothing. Like a feather, yet it seemed to hold so much meaning to her. In carefully crafted print writing that this person had trained themselves in after years of learning cursive because it was much neater and nicer to see. No elegant feature to it, so quickly written it could be passed off as carefree when Remelda knew that it took so much concentration to write just like that, fight the installed in their brains from their parents, like most other things as well.

It was beautiful, how much he had placed in every letter to be perfect in its way. No one could compare this print to his cursive, which is why she presumed he used it. The thought sent her lips into a slight curl upwards into a smile, yet the sadness lingered in the thought that she could now never see him publicly. Every meeting would be small and infrequent; she didn't even know when she would see him again or even if she would ever see him again. With the world the way it was, and her unique position in the midst of it all, it seemed so unlikely that she would be one to survive. And him, traveling and lurking in the shadows not to be caught, presumed dead to everyone, it seemed that the odds were not in their favors.

Yet here was a letter, clear evidence that their meeting weeks ago had not been another hopeful dream of hers. Here was a letter that confirmed her memory held true and he was alive and well and somewhere else in the world. Maybe Hawaii, Regulus did say he enjoyed it there. Or maybe he did stick around in London or went back to Romania. She hadn't a clue, and here was standing almost like a fool in the Owlry just staring at her own letter as she heard the chatter of others.

"Heather! My parents are bringing me to France this summer! I can't wait!"

"You're so lucky, Nancy, my parents are only helping me get a job in the Ministry. I so would love to go."

"Ministry work is good work. I want to be an Auror, though, not just stuck at some boring office job like my dad has, but I'll probably start there too for a couple years before going into training."

"Good idea."

Remelda's eyes snapped over to the two girls standing there, the one with bright red hair leaning against the wall with a letter of her own in her hands. She didn't have the same awe as Remelda for hers, but it was more understandable. She didn't have a brother who faked their death and currently gallivanting around the world while she was the only one who knew he was alive. Upon further inspection, Remelda realized these were two girls she used to see with Nadia Greene. Not since last year, though, and she couldn't even remember their names. Did they say Hannah and Natalie? She couldn't recall.

The girls left the Owlry, leaving Remelda by herself. Greedily, she opened the letter right then and took a seat at the bay window. It wasn't the smartest decision, she probably should've picked somewhere safer to read it, but she couldn't wait. Patience had never been her strong point, though.

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