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— chapter twenty five —MAN WITH A PLAN

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— chapter twenty five —

         SIRIUS BLACK ALWAYS had a plan. When he set his mind to something, became a man on a mission, he created a plan that he would call 'foolproof'. While it may not be that, his plans always had a way of getting to the way he wanted things. Maybe he didn't get Nadia and Remus to work, but he never really wanted that. Instead, he got a girlfriend and Moony was pinning after his sister. Maybe he should've been disgusted by that or tell him to back off, but he didn't. Because Remelda deserved someone and so did Remus, so what did it matter if they were his sister and best friend?

Now, with an end goal in mind, he went straight to the smartest person he knew; Nadia. While he loved James and would tell him everything, he actually needed the plan to work. And, well, James' plans weren't always the best. Especially when it came to relationships, seeing as all his plans failed miserably when he really chased Evans. So, he didn't tell James about who liked who and, knowing him, he wouldn't find out on his own either. He wasn't always the most observant. Plus, he was busy with Peter trying to find a way to ask Lily to Slughorn's party.

(James was always over-the-top, couldn't just ask the girl, no. He had to do something big – something she would remember forever. As if they weren't dating or anything.)

And Sirius knew that Remelda didn't want this. Didn't want to admit to her feelings and would rather he stay out of it, but he couldn't just stand by and watch as live lonely lives because they were too scared to tell the other their feelings. So he had to. It was only right.

"I don't know about this, Sirius. Don't you think it'll be better for them to just get together on their own?" Nadia questioned after Sirius told her what he was thinking.

"Possibly," he shrugged, biting into his apple, "But they won't. I mean, I love Remus but he isn't really good at telling people how he feels. And I know Remelda won't open her mouth."

Nadia sighed, "But you'll be trying to force their relationship, and that never works. Remember last year?"

Ah, last year when he tried to set up Nadia and Remus because she fancied him and was too afraid to do anything herself. Sirius just pointed at her, "No, this is different. Last year, I straight up told Remus that you fancied him and that you two should date. I won't be doing that this time. Instead, I'll try to just...nudge the two towards each other. Be subtle and everything."

The Greene girl gave him a pointed look. In her hands was a copy of The Great Gatsby that she was gripping tightly before letting out another elongated sigh and letting go of her clutch on the book. "Fine, I'll help you. But if anyone asks – this was all you. I had no involvement."

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