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— chapter thirty one —FOR TWELVE YEARS

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— chapter thirty one —

"WHEN I SAID to go find Harry, I didn't mean end up in Azkaban," Remelda stated as she saw her brother, hair a mess and clothes that were slightly too big sitting across from her. Already she could see the bags under his eyes beginning to form and how his skin was the slightest bit paler and she knew – she knew – that if she ever came back, saw him again, he would look even more sickly.

It had certainly been an interesting month. Starting with the next day she read in the paper that her own brother was being put on trial for the murders of James and Lily Potter. That he killed Peter and twelve surrounding muggles and was a Death Eater, working for Voldemort, the man that killed his best friend. Remus had come early to find a shocked and angry Remelda.

She knew when she saw him that he believed it. He didn't want to, Sirius had been his friend was so long, but other evidence was there? Remelda wanted to scream the truth at him, but knew it would be better if she didn't. She had nothing but her word, and while that would've been enough years ago, time had changed.

Remelda had been unsure about their relationship in the beginning, and she was right so to doubt this. While she loved Remus with all her heart, he didn't the same. All those lies, some unintentional as he believed that he loved her, had ruined them. Remus didn't love her and she didn't resent him for it. Still, he had troubles loving every piece of himself, and she knew that they weren't meant to be together. How could she expect him to love her when he still did not accept himself?

It wasn't going to work. So when Remus, two weeks ago, asked for a divorce, she did not fight him. The last thing she wanted was to burden him more. If he was finally ready to admit that this wasn't good for either of them, that was fine. She gulped down her tears and sobs and kept her head high. She was a Black through and through. Pride, the look that nothing could ever affect her, was all she had.

"I know," Sirius sighed, "And I'm sorry. I just, knowing what he had done...I couldn't let Peter get away."

"Yet here you are. In Azkaban – for life," Remelda pointed out, "He isn't worth it."

"He's the reason why James and Lily are dead. He's nothing more than a rat who was too cowardly to stand up and fight," Sirius hissed, "He knows nothing of loyalty."

"Don't you think I know that? But he's dead now – because of you," Remelda finished, the you're a killer – you're like our parents left in silence, yet they both knew it was there.

Sirius flinched at the silent words, bowing his head in guilt and shame before looking up, "I didn't kill him, though. I didn't kill anyone. He did, and then...then he was gone and I was placed in cuffs."

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