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— chapter nine —CHERRY BLOSSOMS

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— chapter nine —

HER EYES CLOSED momentarily, soaking in the slight bit of sun for a moment as she smiled contently. They were outside – her and Alfie – and she liked it. She always did. There was a tree near the Black lake, a cherry blossom tree, and Remelda loved cherry blossoms. They were light, so pure, and looked incredibly beautiful.

They weren't talking, Alfie always seemed so afraid to speak to her now, always so nervous and timid, like he would spark something inside himself or her that would end badly. She didn't understand, but she never pried. Like her mother used to always tell her, it was just better to sit still, keep her mouth shut, and look pretty. But, probably the only good thing that came from her genes, was the fair skin and beauty. Everything else was pretty rotten, if you asked Remelda.

It was a lovely day, and so a majority of the school was outside playing sports with each other or just relaxing. They didn't have many lovely days, it was already November, so they took advantage of every single one. And thankfully, classes had ended for the day and dinner began in an hour. She could hear laughter and cheer, and opening her eyes, turning her head ever so slightly to the dock at the Black lake, she saw Sirius and his friends.

He had his arm wrapped around Nadia, who was leaning into his embrace. There was James Potter, his head in Lily Evan's lap. They had gotten together a little after Christmas of last year. Finally, seeing as James had been chasing after the poor girl for years. If that were Remelda, she wasn't sure what she would do, maybe commit a murder and seal her fate as a true Black family member.

But then were was Pettigrew. He was very different from the others, a little plumper and timid, and she was never sure why they took him in as a friend. He seemed kind, a liked his food quite a lot, but there was always an obvious difference between his other friends. Remelda could always see why they were a Gryffindor, but she never could find that reason for Pettigrew. Still, she didn't dwell on it.

But her eyes seemed to stay on Remus Lupin a little longer than the rest. He was effortlessly flawless there, a scar right on his nose as he held himself, a nice and warm-looking jumper covering him. And when he laughed, his head went back, exposing his Adam's apple, and Remelda had to fight the urge to smile at the sight of it.

She shook her head and turned away. What was she thinking? She couldn't let her thoughts carry like that, she was a betrothed woman! She had a fiancé who was just on the other side, a circle created around him as Severus Snape stood beside him.

Remelda thought about that for a second. Two years ago, Snape would get two or three others from their house, spat words at Potter and his friends, they would hex him, and then Evans would yell and protect Snape even though he had called her a mudblood so long ago. Remelda remembered that day, it was quite shocking, everyone at Hogwarts knew about his weakness towards Lily Evans. She laughed when she gotten to Regulus' room, it was hilarious. Now Evans would never love him.

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