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— chapter thirty —GLASS SHARDS

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— chapter thirty —

IT HAD BEEN three years. Three years since Remelda had gotten with Remus, since she had left the Black family, and three years since she had gotten back in contact with her brother. A lot had changed. No longer was she the ice cold Slytherin who cared for no one but her brother, who was betrothed to Demetri Carrow and the princess of the Black family.

She was Remelda Lupin now. With short hair and a necklace given to her by her cousin Andromeda, this Remelda – the better version, the new one – stood in her kitchen cooking dinner. It was Halloween night and she could hear her daughter, Calypso, giggling in the living room while watching TV. The girl was two and the light of Remelda's life.

Much like Nymphadora when she was younger, Calypso adored television and those silly cartoons. And, like Nadia, was in love with Disney princesses. Her favorite, though, had always been Snow White, unlike her aunt, who always favored Cinderella. Remelda, still, didn't care much for the movies, but was always willing to watch one with Calypso just to see her smile. She had such a bright smile, with a twinkle in her eyes as the freckles adorning her cheeks.

She continued to stir the pasta which was boiling in the pot, humming a song Sirius always played when she came over. Nadia would always roll her eyes and ask why he insisted on listening to it all the time before he would smile so sweetly and she couldn't help but peck him on the cheek. They were so in love. Everything was slow with them, there was no rush, and they still were so happy.

Remelda wanted that.

Her husband came down the stairs, coat in his hand as he attempted to put in her and entered the kitchen. Seeing this, Remelda held a soft smile. "Here, let me help you with that." And she did, placing his coat on him as he returned a smile.

"Thanks," he said, and she looked in his eyes for another moment. He was still so beautiful.

She indulged herself for a moment, letting herself kiss him and he kissed back. It should've been easy, without hesitance, but it was full of that. It was nice, soft, as it always was. It was comfortable and she felt herself fill with happiness at it. And then it was over. Calypso cried from the living room and the two parted and Remelda looked down in shame. She shouldn't have done that.

"I'll go get her," Remelda whispered, "When will you be back?"

"The mission should last just a few days," Remus informed her, "Frank's coming along too." He had to leave for business pertaining to the Order, leaving her with their little girl.

Remelda nodded, "Be safe. I love you."

Remus froze in front of the door, hand on the knob. And, like had been doing for the past couple of months, responded with, "I know." leaving after that.

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