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— chapter three —THE NIGHT CORNER

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— chapter three —

THERE WAS NOTHING that Remelda hated more than sitting in the common room with Demetri Carrow slinging his arm around her shoulders as he smirked and retold a story of how amazing he was and how his morals were the best. Of course, she did hated conversations with her older brother, classes with Demetri, and her mother's relentless attempts to make her a better daughter, but this came close to them all.

She had tried, like her mother said, to become closer to Demetri, but it was so hard when all he ever did was brag. He had the whole of Slytherin house wrapped around his finger, they worshiped him as if he were a god. She only sat there, staring at the fire while something chiming in mindless laughter and noises of agreement whenever others in the room did so it seemed she was in fact listening to him.

He was so carefree in his manner, the way he described his accounts with younger students from other houses (his favorites were Hufflepuffs because they were easy targets and Gryffindors because he felt they deserved it the most), but the others in the room were also carefree to agree.

Remelda couldn't blame them. Their parents brainwashed them, and she was blessed with an older brother who helped her out of that brainwash. Even if she didn't exactly like him anymore, and held a grudge against him, she could say that the one good thing about him was making her realize that there was more in life. He made her realize that this mindless agreeing with parents and never thinking of another lifestyle, growing up with prejudice ideals and a hatred against those who weren't 'magically pure' was simply disgusting.

"Can you believe that? They thought they were better than me!" Demetri scoffed, and Remelda refrained from rolling her eyes for the millionth time that night.

"Well I can't believe it, Demetri," Nancy Daniels, a fifth year, agreed with him. She had always liked Demetri, thinking he was as good as it got, and Remelda could only feel sad for her. There were plenty other people who were much better than him, but apparently not everyone saw that, and she felt immense sympathy for them. "No one is better than you."

"Thank you, Nina," he smiled, getting her name wrong yet again. He always got names wrong, an intentional thing he did to assert dominance and prove that he was better. Remelda didn't know why, but she never asked.

"Nancy," the girl muttered, sadness dripping from her voice as she whispered it. No one else seemed to hear it but Remelda, causing the girl to look at her with sympathy before turning back to the fire. They weren't allowed to show emotions, she reminded herself.

"Anyways, I was trying to get it in the first year's brain that I had a much better status than him when James Potter and his friends got in the way," Demetri scoffed again, "Why can't he just leave us alone? It had nothing to do with him."

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