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so yes! the q&a is finally here!!


what do you love the most about remus?

i love how much he cares for others. even through everything, i've always admired that about him since it's something i can lack at points. he's always been there for my family, especially my brother.

calypso or sirius?

how dare you make me choose between my daughter and brother!
(but calypso)


why are you such an ass?

um, i'm not?


do you really love nancy?

what does love have to do with anything?

did you ever care for remelda?

i cared for her well-being in the placement of the families. for her title and wealth...how could she let it all go to waste?


where are you right now?

well, after remelda rudely had me expelled from hogwarts, my family sent me to study at durmstrungs. it was very nice and i enjoyed my time, but now i work at the ministry of magic.

you're a bitch. i hope you know that

first off, that isn't a question. and second, a bitch refers to a female dog and i am certainly not a woman

you're a bloody moron. did you have no consideration for remelda, and how she felt? all you were thinking about was yourself, you tried to force a relationship on her and that's not okay

i am a very well-educated man, thank you. and i did consider how she felt. i know that she hated her engagement to demetri and i offered her a different - and better - life with me.


with which disney character do you relate the most?

well, everyone says that i'm a lot like belle, which i have to agree with. we are very similar, but i would never fall in love with a fucking beast. i mean, really?


sirius or remelda?

sirius is like a brother to me, always has been, but i mean, he's a killer. he killed lily and james and i can't. and remelda has always been by my side, so i have to pick her.

why don't you love remelda?

i do. i love her so much and i am grateful for everything she's done for me, but i'm just not in love with her.

why are you so iffy around remelda?

i was only trying to distance myself. i was trying to alleviate the pain.

is it okay that i want to kill you and hug you at the same time?

i think that's normal with all human beings, so yes.

why would you call for a divorce? i thought you loved her.

i did. i loved her so much, but as we've already established, i'm not in love with her.


i love your and remelda's relationship, but do you ever think you'll tell sirius and nadia you're alive? also thoughts on voldemort, are you anti him now as he nearly killed kreacher and didn't care?

well, i have to that my relationship with my sister is wonderful, thank you for noticing, but i don't know if i'll never tell sirius or nadia. i don't really think i can tell sirius, seeing as he's in azkaban and there's no way to reach him, and with nadia...i can't endanger her. i needed remelda's help with my plan and if i told nadia, i might endanger her and i can't do that. plus, she's always been more emotional and i know that if i lied to her with all this she would never forgive me.

but with your other question, i've always been against voldemort. why else would i try to find a horcrux to defeat him? be sensible here. and he tried to kreacher? oh, he's a dead man walking now.

ellie (the author)

why are such a good writer?

awe, thank you bby. and i don't know, i guess just because of how much i read and how long i've been writing?

can we ft again soon?

of course! i have so much to tell you!

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