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— chapter eighteen —A GINGER CAT

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— chapter eighteen —

            HOGSMEADE SEEMED MUCH brighter now. She felt happier, lighter, and the colors of the town seemed so much brighter – and the cheers much happier. She could see her schoolmates, the other residents of the town, and they were smiling. Such bright smiles, happy smiles. And they didn't even notice her, because she knew that if her schoolmates noticed her, the cheers would stop and the whispers would begin. Everyone knew. By now, everyone knew that she was disowned. And Remelda couldn't bring herself to care.

         The Prophet thought it was gold. Such greedy writers. After an insight from a student – from her own house – told them the story in exchange for money, and it was printed in bold letters the next day. Of course, being such a scandal, it ran first page. People started talking since, pointing at her and whispering as if she were at a zoo – an animal at a zoo for them to point and talk about. And laugh. Oh, how they would laugh. The person from her house hadn't even gotten the reason right. They said she was disowned for sleeping with a Gryffindor boy. The horror! Though, she suspects it was said for a better story. So the people laughed. They didn't know a thing.

         No one in her house would look at her anymore, not that she really cared in the first place. Demetri would, sometimes, and his face would hold a scowl and a glare. The way he glared at her, as if she had done something bad to him personally. She didn't mind the look, she knew that she had done nothing to him. Nothing at all. All she had was free herself for those for who couldn't. For those like Regulus, who wanted to be freed, wanted to be good but couldn't...she closed her eyes for a second, it hurt too much to even think of him still.

         The laughing seized. She knew it immediately, that sound stopped and she opened her eyes again to see students of Hogwarts looking at her. They looked at her as if she were a creature, whispering to each other the little things she hated.

         "That's Remelda Black! Can you believe it? She's been disowned," the girl whispered to her friend, "She'll probably drop out and join the Death Eaters – become better than her family just to spite them."

         She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at that. No one could see, but the whole point of her being disowned was to be free from that future. From that husband, that cage, that underlining knowledge that she too would become a killer.

         "I wouldn't put it past her," the other girl muttered, shaking her head and sending a little glare at Remelda. Raising her head higher, the Black girl recalled the little saying of her mother: sit still, head up, straight, and stay quiet – like a proper lady should.

         She wanted, at that memory, to sag her shoulders and defy her mother again even though she wouldn't see it, but her muscles wouldn't allow her. It was a second nature, she couldn't help it, even though she wanted it to end so badly.

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