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— chapter sixteen —SLYTHERIN GONE GOOD?

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— chapter sixteen —

STEP ONE FOR being disowned: hang out with Gryffindors. It could've been something else, like stepping out or speaking against the values everyone (or most everyone) in her house held. Or also just up and faking your death like some, but for Remelda this came naturally. It accomplished two things; being disowned and mending – slowly – her relationship with Sirius. Two birds with one stone, if you will.

Now, this was especially hard because at the same time she was pretending to be a perfect Slytherin girl. She was still holding Demetri's hand when the occasion arrived and now he basically wanted that affection every time they were in the same room, as if trying to reel her back in. Of course, she knew that these were not his original plans, it had to come from her parents. They were rightfully fearful, their boys were had gone and left them and now all they had was their little princess – one that didn't want to lose. But little did they know that she was already gone.

Already gone and already mingling with the enemy, or at least she would be after this.

They were having a nice service for Regulus in the common room, she was sitting on the couch next to Demetri with her hand interlocked with his as Severus spoke some kind words:

"He was exceptionally good at Potions," that was his compliment to the dead Regulus Black, but it wasn't like Remelda could ask for more. Really, she didn't even want this.

Nancy was next, the little bitch sitting next to Demetri with a nice, short skirt on that showed her thighs. Remelda pretended not to notice how his eyes always seemed to skim over them, not like the really cared, she just hated the smug smirk on Nancy's face because of it. "He was witty," she fluttered her eyelashes towards Demetri.

There was silence for a moment, everyone thinking of what else to say about the dead boy, Nancy ended the silence with a question, "Anyways, Remelda, why didn't you tell us about Regulus' illness before he died?"

"Was it any of my business?" Remelda danced around the original question. The illness was one they wouldn't believe; the illness was their family and this – everything about the beliefs and values. That was the illness Regulus was suffering from, the one she was suffering from.

"We're a family, Remelda, you should feel comfortable telling us anything," Nancy gave her a sickly sweet smile.

"Yes, I understand that, Nancy. Although, you're forgetting that it wasn't my secret to share, now was it? Regulus didn't want anyone to know and I was respecting his wishes by not saying a word about it, alright?" she tried not to let her snappish underline be heard.

Nancy nodded, not saying anything else. Demetri squeezed her hand as if to comfort her but she could not be comforted by him. The only thing her mind seemed to think of when the word comfort was heard was Regulus...and he was dead. Maybe the universe decided she was never meant to feel safe again.

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