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— chapter seven —PHYSICAL PAIN

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— chapter seven —

DINNER FINISHED, YET Remelda was still nowhere to be seen. Regulus, who was already worried, was beyond that point now as he didn't know where his sister was. It wasn't like her to skip a meal, seeing as Remelda always did love the tiny desserts that Hogwarts provided. Sometimes, he knew, that she went into the kitchens when she couldn't sleep for a cup of tea and a slice of the chocolate cake. Not that she ate that during dinner, that was very unlady-like, and they, sadly, had a reputation to uphold.

People were beginning to stand up when he saw Alfie, Remelda's best (and only) friend. He looked particularly nervous, playing with his fingers as his eyes shuffled anxiously. Something was going on with him. The youngest Black made his way to the boy, blocking his path as Alfie tried to leave.

"Remelda wasn't at dinner," he casually says, "Have any clue where she might be?"

Alfie shakes his head almost immediately, raising suspicion in Regulus. "No, sorry, no clue," and then he ran away. Definitely, Regulus thought, he knew something.

No matter, Regulus would pressure an answer out of him later. At that very moment, he just needed to find his sister. While he usually didn't show it, he loved his sister very much. They were family, the two of them. It used to be a trio, but Sirius (Merlin, he hated that name now) left them.

Really, Regulus wasn't accustomed to showing emotions. That was something that was brutally taught in his family - in most families from Slytherin. Some, who weren't from the pureblooded families, showed many emotions - usually happiness, but they found out quickly that they weren't supposed to. Sadly, Regulus and the rest of the pureblooded children were taught from a young age - since they could comprehend words - that emotions were weakness. Not a strength, definitely not a strength.

If Regulus could give Sirius credit for anything, it was that he taught them that emotions were alright. They were a strength. Friendship, happiness, family...they were strengths. Love was the greatest one. But to his parents, they were the greatest flaw in human kind; falling in love.

No matter for that now, Regulus swiftly moved through the corridors before he spotted Nadia and Sirius. Really, the youngest Black deeply disliked him. Never could he say that he hated his brother, not after all he had done before he left them. Regulus swallowed, knowing he had to speak to Sirius. For Remelda, of course, only for her.

"Sirius," he courtly said, ignoring the shocked expression his brother wore, "Have any idea where Remelda might be?"

"No, sorry," Sirius apologized, "Why? Has something happened to her?"

The youngest of the two raised his eyebrow, "Why would anything happen to her?"

"Well, I was talking to her before dinner. She ran away, though, don't know where she went after that," Sirius replied, "If there's anything I can do -"

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