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— chapter twenty seven —THROUGH THE DARKNESS

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— chapter twenty seven —

            IT WAS THAT moment leading to the end of the year; the one of the library hidden away behind numerous amount of shelves in the desk the two always stayed. That moment of serenity as Remus studied for his finals exams – one which were more important than Remelda's – and, being the dutiful girlfriend she was, her helping him study.

         He was stressing over Potions, even though he was amazing at it, and she was looking over the study guide he created for himself and calling out questions. As he pondered one question she pursed her lips and said, "I don't see why you're stressing, you know the answer."

         "Crushed lavender," he answered before rolling his eyes, "And because I want get an Outstanding. For that, I need to study."

         "Yes, but you haven't taken a break in over two hours. Come on, dinner's about to start," Remelda said, about to stand up but he shook his head.

         "I can eat later. You go ahead," Remus said, taking ahold of the study guide and looking over the questions he created for the millionth time.

         Remelda sat down, "I'm not leaving you here. We can go to the kitchens later – together."

         He gave a shy smile and she thought it was pretty cute but instead of sharing that, she kept it to herself and looked back at the study and asked another question, which he answered perfectly. It had been another thirty minutes, them having completed the study guide and started going over it again, when Remelda sighed.

         "We're done with Potions. It's been three hours," Remelda looked at him, "If you're going to study, at least chose another subject."

         "How about Herbology. Don't you have your own exam?" he teased her slightly, a little mischievous glint in his eyes.

         Remelda groaned, "Don't remind me. And for your information, I have started to study for it."

         He gave her a blank look, "How hard?"

         "Lightly. Honestly, I don't really care if I fail the exam and get a Troll," she said honestly, not meeting his eyes for not wanting to see the disappointed gaze of her boyfriend.

         "Remelda," he drawled out and she knew she was in trouble, "You need to study. It's important if you want to get a good job after school. Come on, I'll help you."

         She rolled her eyes, "Not everything is about academics. And I'm pretty sure I'll still be employed even if I failed Herbology. Plus, I'm not sure if I even want a career in the wizarding world."

         Remus furrowed his eyebrows, "Really? Since when?"

         "Well," she began, "I've been talking to Nadia, and she's planning on being a teacher, you know? Says that it's her calling or some other bullshit, and she asked me what I wanted to do, which is something I've never been asked before. And we got to talking about the future and I've been convinced to do something in the muggle world."

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