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- chapter twenty nine -A DAY WITH FAMILY

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- chapter twenty nine -


NYMPHADORA WAS ADORABLE. Remelda had known that since the beginning of summer, when she had first met the precious toddler. When Andromeda showed up at the train station holding the girl with pink hair and Remelda had approached them nervously, half expecting the same welcome she always got from her own parents, which was still, calculating, and cold. There was no warmth with them, quick words and harsh grabs of the arm as they sought to leave as quick as possible, only ever conversing lightly with the Malfoys or Notts. But not Andromeda - she had quickly welcomed Remelda with a hug and a cheer about how excited she was to have the girl.

Nymphadora had babbled as well, grabbing Remelda's hair before changing her own to match the teenage girl, causing her to laugh. She was absolutely precious, a glimmer in her eyes showing that she had yet to know the true darkness of the world. It was a foolish wish, but Remelda hoped that the toddler would never know. She didn't want the sparkle to ever disappear.

Mid-July and she was back at the Tonks household. The two weeks with her brother, helping them ready their place was fun. She loved every moment, but she still wanted to see Nymphadora and Andromeda. She would always have time to spend with her brother, already had enough time, and she wanted to spend her time with other family members she didn't quite know as well.

Cartoons played on the TV and Nymphie watched intently, gaping at it in awe. Remelda softly smiled, glad to spend this time with the little girl who awed at the world, eyes lighting up. The toddler's hair was long and Remelda braided it, occasionally looking up to catch what was happening on the screen.

It was weird, braiding bubblegum pink hair, something Remelda never expected to happen, but she wouldn't have it any other way at the moment. Andromeda and Ted were at work, leaving her with the child that had grown to care so much about.

"Mellie, look!" Nymphadora pointed at the TV, Scooby-Doo landing into the cotton candy machine.

"I see," Remelda smiled and nodded, reaching the end of her hair, "Alright, I'm about done."

"Already?" the young girl pouted, growing up her hair even longer for Remelda to keep braiding, "There you go!"

Remelda chuckled quietly to herself but continued braiding, wanting to keep the child happy. Nymphadora watched the screen intently and the teenager couldn't think of a better day. Her shoulders weren't tense and she didn't find herself worrying over anything. For once during summer, she didn't have to think through everything, worry about the consequences, she could just enjoy herself freely. Freely, open, and without her heart beating so quick in her chest.

It was quiet between them for minutes, the episode ending as another began right after it. Remelda hummed every now and again, a tune from the music that Sirius had become obsessed with and played every waking moment at the flat. Then, she heard tapping. Remelda didn't think anything of it, letting it continue for so long until she heard a noise from an animal as the tapping became more consistent and much louder.

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