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— chapter twenty six —KISS THE GIRL

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— chapter twenty six —

REMELDA WAS SCREWED. For more reasons than one, she knew that saying yes to Remus was a mistake and it could not end well. The first had to be her roommates letting Nancy into her dorm room as she was supposed to be deciding what to wear for the party. The snotty girl crossed her arms and stood near the door, looking at Remelda as she looked through all the clothes of her closet.

"So, I heard you're going with that Gryffindor to Slughorn's party," she spat out. Remelda couldn't help but roll her eyes at Nancy's pettiness of it all.

She took a good look at the black dress in her closet. One more plain which would be better for a party like this, but then again she had no jewelry that would look spectacular with it. She moved it to the left and looked at the next one. "Yes, Nancy, I am. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes, in fact, I do," Nancy took a step away from the door, "You used to be on top of the world, and now you're just nothing. I can't believe you'd stoop so low. It's a little sad to watch, really."

Remelda rolled her eyes, looking at the next emerald dress. It was a nice dress her mother had picked out for her about a year ago and insisted from bring to Hogwarts just in case, and though she hated her mother, she loved the dress. It was beautiful and she always did look good in green. "If I were at the top of the world, I would have Demetri at my side, correct? And then where would you be?" she questioned before pulling the dress off the rack and showing it to the girl, "And what do you think of this?"

Nancy scoffed, "I'm not here to help you pick out dresses, Remelda, I'm here to help you get on the right path again. And Demetri would've noticed me eventually."

The Black girl hummed, "Doubtful. But sure, if that helps you sleep at night. And I think I'll stick with this dress. It's quite nice."

"I just – I don't understand how you could join them? People who are actually willing to give magic to those it doesn't belong to?" Nancy questioned, a malice in her tone at the thought of someone she deemed impure to have magic.

"Well, magic is a wonderful thing, yes. And if someone is born with the gift of magic, then why should we ban them from practicing it? You do know what happens when someone bottles up their magic, right?" Remelda went to her dresser to look for the nice silver necklace with the roses around it.

"I don't see where you're going with this."

Remelda turned to Nancy with a soft look, "It causes death. They blow up, and in the process kill. Muggles and wizards alike. I don't want death, and I don't think you want it either. So there, that's a logical reason to not want to join the Death Eaters that you'll accept."

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