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— chapter thirty two —SCREAMS OF TERROR

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— chapter thirty two —

THREE MORE YEARS had passed. Calypso definitely looked like a younger version of her mother, except had the freckles that used to adorn Remus' cheeks as a child. Her eyes shined as bright as the stars, something which the child hated because of her name, which she was adamant on changing. Really, she much preferred her middle name – Hope – and wanted to be called that, but Remelda never did. She chose the name Calypso and loved it, so she would never call her daughter anything else no matter how much she complained about it.

Her hair had also grown. It was long, black and incredibly thick like Remelda's. Pale, too. She looked exactly Remelda when she was younger and would've loved to show her daughter pictures of herself when she was younger, but those were still at her parents' house. That was if they hadn't burned or destroyed them.

She still lived in the same house and Remus had his own nice cottage. Calypso went to stay there every other weekend and it was nice to see her ex-husband again. Nadia had taken Nancy's twins and cared for them deeply.

Maia and Leo. They weren't Amara and Calix anymore, it would be so foolish to name them that if they continued to be in the wizarding world, and those names were nice. Really, she had thought of them on the way over to Nadia's old apartment and was quite proud of herself for it. Those were beautiful names. As for the Greene family, they still lived in an apartment, but a bigger one to accommodate the three of them. Even if two of them were still toddlers.

And, strangely, for the past three years Remelda's life had been peaceful. She and Regulus managed to get together every six months or so and he once stayed a whole weekend, as a cat of course, and fell absolutely in love with Calypso. She still wanted to visit Sirius in Azkaban, but refrained. As for Nadia, she didn't want to talk about him, it was too painful for her, and Remelda knew better than to mention his name in front of Remus.

But then the peace had to end. At least, momentarily. The letter had arrived one Saturday afternoon after her and Calypso had returned from the park. They always went on Saturday because Remelda was off work and Calypso loved nature. Her babysitter, a teen named Angela, never let her outside but was caring enough that Remelda kept her around.

Remelda had noticed the letter when she went into the kitchen to fix Calypso a snack. She found the letter just sitting on the counter and a barn owl standing nearing it. At first, she had frowned because she had totally forgotten to close the window before they left but then picked it up. It was odd; rarely anyone wrote her. Regulus did every now and again, but it was an unusual sight, seeing as both were incredibly busy nowadays and lived their own lives. And Nadia never wrote, as did Remus, since they had gotten a phone at the house. Ah, the wonders of muggle technology.

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