Chapter 2: Will John return?

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Sherlock's POV:

It's now been three hours since John stormed out. Why was he so sensitive suddenly? Usually, John was a happy and easy-going person. Hmm, who could it be that's got to be so secret? Sherlock wondered as he sat back on the sofa. He sighed deeply, realising how quiet the flat was with just him in it.

John's POV:

I carried on walking, walking up the steps of the station. I had ended up at St Pancras, just down the road from 221b. I didn't know where I was going to go. I would probably get the next train available and see where I end up. I couldn't go back and face Sherlock now. What if he had already worked it out? I wouldn't be able to face him.

I took out my phone and switched it back on. 30 missed calls, 8 messages, 10 voicemails, all from the one person I didn't want to talk to. Sherlock.

I scanned through all of the messages to see what he had to say.

10.03- I'm sorry John. SH

10.05- Please come home John. SH

10.06- Answer your phone, SH

10.10- I hate arguing with you John. Please call me back. SH

11.12- Why won't you answer your phone? SH

11.24- Come home, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to upset you. SH

11.59- I won't force you to tell me who it is if you don't want to tell me. Once again, I'm sorry. SH

12.06- Please John. It's so quiet without you. At least let me know where you are and that you're safe. SH

Clearly not as smart as he thinks if he hasn't already worked it out, I thought.

I wanted to go home so badly but I really couldn't face him for I feared that I might blurt it out straight to his face. I couldn't do that.

As I sat on the platform waiting for my train, I thought about how I should deal with the situation. I miss him so much but I couldn't go back and face him. Could I?

No, I wouldn't have the strength to talk to him. I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for long. He would see the signs. He would work it out. No, I can't go back.

Wait. How could I just runaway? I didn't have any clothes or food or anything with me. I wasn't prepared. And besides, running away wouldn't solve anything. I needed Sherlock in my life. I needed to grow up and find the courage to go back. It would all be long forgotten very soon. It would be the past soon. It's not as if Sherlock scares me. Well maybe a little sometimes but not enough to make me run away.

I stood up and started to walk back to the flat. As I rounded the corner of Baker Street, my surroundings began to be a blur and my mind spun. What would Sherlock say? Has he worked it out? What would he think? So many unanswered questions blurred my vision as my pace quickened. The quicker I get this over and done with, the easier it would be.

Sherlock's POV:

I sat slumped on the sofa eating biscuits and drinking my tea. 4 hours had passed and still no John. I was waiting to hear footsteps outside on the stairs and the sound of the latch being undone but all was still. The tv was on low in the background but I wasn't concentrating on what was happening.

Suddenly, making me jump up off the sofa, the sound of a key in the door filled the silent flat. The door opened to reveal John, looking extremely tired. Where had he been all this time?

To be continued...

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