Chapter 5: Mixed Emotions

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John's POV:

Regretfully, ever since the day Sherlock worked out that I was in love, I have been trying to distance myself from him. I haven't spoken to him about anything other than work. I'm hoping he has forgotten about it now, but knowing him he'll be trying to work it out for himself.

I suppose if he works it out for himself, it won't be as hard as having to tell him would be. I doubt, the sociopath I know, would ever have emotions and love me back.

In hope of getting some advice, I went to meet up with a good friend, Molly, last night. We spoke for a while about my situation and she advised me to wait and see how it goes. She said that I should monitor his actions around me for anything that would hint to him liking me back.

"You never know, he may work it out and return the feelings." She said, which I agreed with.

Sherlock sat on the sofa in his mind palace. "Do you want a tea?" I asked, interrupting his thoughts.

He immediately replied with a simple "Yes" and went straight back into his mind palace. That was one of the things I loved about Sherlock, he was so abrupt and so forward but he could also easily get lost in his thoughts which was something I wished I could do.

Sherlock's POV:

Sitting here, in my mind palace is calming but also frustrating. It helps me to shut out the rest of the world for a few minutes but then I can get so wrapped up in my thoughts that I start to think too deeply into things.

I needed a plan, a quick and easy plan. I needed to solve this mystery. It's been bugging me for a while now, but I'm confused as to why I care so much. I should be just letting him get on with his life and keep to mine. But no, my mind wouldn't settle until I knew. But why was this.

I am Sherlock Holmes. The man who has no emotions. The man who doesn't feel anything or care about 'love'. What was this strange feeling I was experiencing? It couldn't be love because Sherlock Holmes is a heartless man with no emotions.

John's POV:

Sherlock's beautiful ebony curls fell over his forehead as he leaned forward to rest his chin on his fists which were balanced by his elbows on his knees. Slowly, he closed his eyes as if he was trying to concentrate harder. He looked like he was confused about something as his eyebrows raised occasionally. I loved watching him in his mind palace. He was so calm and concentrated. He shut the rest of the world out.

I suddenly remembered that I was supposed to be making tea for the both of us and jumped up onto my feet. Sherlock didn't even flinch at the sound of my heavy feet landing on the wooden floor. He really was lost in his own little world, I thought to myself and chuckled as I made my way to the kitchen. As the kettle boiled, I place some tea bags into the teapot and got out two mugs from the cupboard.

Once the tea was made, I carefully walked back into the room with the teas in each hand. I set Sherlock's down on the coffee table in front of him and tried not to disturb him.

As I started to back away, back to my chair, his head snapped up and he looked me straight in the eyes.

"Thank you, John." He said as he sipped at his tea.

"No problem. What were you thinking about just now?" I replied casually.

"Oh nothing, don't worry about that." He said mysteriously.

He's hiding something, I thought silently as I watched Sherlock drink his tea slowly. This wasn't like Sherlock. He would usually tell me what's bothering him. He must be hiding something, there's no other explanation. But what was it?

To be continued...

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