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Harvey's POV:
"Evan! Can you come and do my cuff's up please?" I called for my best man.

Today was my wedding day and I was about to marry the best woman in the world. My beautiful Alexandra (aka Alex). My two dad's, Sherlock and John, the two people I have adored all of my life, had organised and paid for this wedding. I loved them so much and I would be eternally grateful for everything they have done and will do in the future.

I hadn't seen Alex today but I'm sure she was looking beautiful as always. She was currently at her foster parent's house with her best friend and bridesmaid, Emma. Funnily enough, Emma and Evan were brother and sister. We only found this out at our engagement party last year when they both came and realised they had the same friends. Myself, Evan and John now worked at St Bart's hospital whilst Emma and Alex worked at Scotland Yard with Sherlock and Lestrade. I had always wanted to follow in John's footsteps and become a Doctor and now I was there.

"I'll do your cuff's for you Harvey. Evan's a bit busy at the moment." Sherlock said as he walked into my bedroom. I had moved out of 221b when I got engaged to Alex. We now owned our own little flat not far away.

"Thanks Dad. What's Evan up to?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. You'll have to wait and see." He teased me as he did my cuff's up. I tied my tie and went downstairs with Sherlock and found Evan and John standing in front of something.

"Nice hiding skills." I chuckled as I walked towards them. "What have you been up to then?

John and Evan stepped aside to reveal a baby crib. Wait what, a baby crib? Why would they have been putting a baby crib together? Wait no, it couldn't be could it?

"Is Alex...pregnant?" I chocked out.

Evan nodded and I felt tears fill my eyes. He stepped forward and hugged me tight. I looked over at John and Sherlock. I saw John quickly wipe away a tear and it was then that I noticed Sherlock was holding his phone up as if he was recording this whole scene.

"How many weeks?" I asked as Evan let me go.

"I estimated about 5." Sherlock said.

"Wait, you knew about this before she did?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded as I said "How did I not see it? I'm a bloody Doctor."

"It's your day off, of course you wouldn't notice it." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and sat down on the sofa. John and Sherlock sat down on either side of me and hugged me.

"We're both proud of you son, you've got through so much and now you can finally start your own family." John said in a hushed voice. Sherlock hummed in agreement.

"Wait, does Alex know she's pregnant?" I asked.

They both nodded and Sherlock said "Yeah, she asked us to do all of this for you."

I felt tears fill my eyes once again from such pure happiness. Both Dad's clung onto me tighter until Evan announced that the car was here and it was time for us to go. We all stood up and climbed into the car waiting outside my flat. This was when the nerves kicked in. My leg bounced and my hands trembled as my Uncle Mycroft drove us to the church where I was going to get married.

When we arrived some of the guests were already there. We climbed out and greeted a few people before walking into the church. Nervously, I stood at the front waiting for my beautiful bride to arrive. Worryingly, I felt a bit faint and I was scared I was going to pass out before she got here. I hoped and prayed she wouldn't leave me at the altar. I was pretty much certain she wouldn't but in the back of my mind there was a slither of doubt whether she would turn up or not. The church filled up quickly with our family and friends.

Suddenly, the doors opened and everyone rose from their seats. The wedding march began to play and I turned to see a breath taking view. There she was, my Alexandra carrying my unborn baby. Her white dress flowed behind her and clung to her skinny waist. She didn't have a baby bump yet so nobody could tell she was pregnant.

She walked down the aisle with Caleb, her foster dad, on her arm. He was dressed in a smart suit and tie. Alex and I were very similar in many different ways, one main one being that we were both put into care at young ages.

When she finally reached me and was stood opposite me, I placed my hand over her stomach and said "Hello you two."

I glanced up to meet her eyes and saw that she was smiling brightly. We were both very happy about this baby. It was our family, our new start together and I hoped it would last forever.

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