Chapter 18: Rescued

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John's POV:

Harvey. No please. Harvey please be ok. My eyes filled up but my feet stood rooted to the spot.

"John! John! Help me, quick!" I held back my tears and came back down to earth.

Sherlock needed my help. I was the Doctor here, I needed to do my bit. I ran over to Sherlock, careful not to trip over the bucket which I assumed was for Harvey to wee in. Hurriedly but calmly, I did a routine check. Breathing, yes, pulse, yes, clear airways, yes, conscious, no.

I pushed up Harvey's sleeve and revealed several dark bruises which looked like hand and finger marks. He had clearly been gripped very tightly. Whilst I did all of the checks, Sherlock was crouched beside us, stroking Harvey's hair out of his face.

"Hurry, John. We need to leave before we get caught in here." Sherlock whispered still stroking Harvey's hair.

"I'll carry him out to a cab. I don't think he's got any broken bones." I said and scooped him up into my arms.

Sherlock crept out first to check for anyone out there but the coast was clear. We silently tiptoed towards the front door when suddenly it swung back on its hinges. Stood there, was Lestrade and a few others who were armed. I glanced to Sherlock to see him smirking.

"I sent a text to Lestrade on the way here, warning him that we may need backup." He whispered in my ear and turned away to grin at Greg.

"Thanks for coming, Gavin." Sherlock had got his name wrong...again.

"Hi Greg." I waved slightly, with a small Harvey cradled in my arms.

"Greg? Who's Greg?" Sherlock asked genuinely confused.

"Me! When will you learn. My name is Greg. Not Gavin, not Graham, not George, it's Greg." Lestrade exclaimed with an exasperated sigh.

Sherlock gave Greg as sheepish smile as he apologised and promised to try to learn it. We all knew it wouldn't happen. Greg gave me a side glance which said exactly my thoughts and we both cracked up laughing.

By now one of the kitchen staff had come out to see what was going on and was shocked to see us standing in the doorway. Lestrade had earlier sent off his men to search for our kidnappers whilst we chatted.

"Who are you and why are you in this house?" The woman yelled.

"Police Ma'dam. We've been called here to inspect a crime scene." Lestrade explained.

"What is all this noise about?" We heard a woman in high heels clicking through the next room.

She reached the doorway and so us standing here and gasped. She was just about to shout at us to get out when one of Lestrade's men came up behind her. She was then handcuffed and told the usual.

"Ma'dam I am arresting you on suspicion of kidnap. You do not have to say anything but it may..." I had stopped listening by the time he got to that bit.

Harvey's body twitched slightly in my arms and his eyelids fluttered. He was waking up. I grabbed Sherlock's arm gently and pointed to Harvey. He bent down and kissed his forehead.

"W-where am I?" Harvey mumbled.

"Shh come on let's get you home baby." I hushed him and he snuggled into my shoulder.

Just then, the police officer dealing with the woman, walked her past us still in handcuffs to take her out to the police car.

"You! You did this. Why did you have to come and find him. You're evil. Now I have to go to prison!" She screamed and tried to grab one of us.

The police officer dragged her, kicking and screaming, out to the car and pushed her in. Sherlock and I took Harvey outside and called a cab to take us back home. This time we had Harvey with us. What a birthday this had turned out to be.

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