Chapter 14: Honeymoon and decision time

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Sherlock's POV:

I didn't sleep last night. We were in the log cabin again but this time we had a proper bed. I had stayed awake all night just thinking and watching the stars through the skylight above me. John was still sound asleep next to me. So peaceful, the complete opposite to my mind.

I was planning on talking to John about the situation with Rose and what I should do. As I continued to lay awake, John stirred and his eyes gradually fluttered open. He blinked at the sudden harsh light of the morning. I turned and kissed his temple and then his cheek.

"Morning honey, nice sleep?" I mumbled into his hair.

"Yeah good thanks. What about you?" He replied sleepily.

"Didn't sleep a wink. Don't worry I don't need sleep though." There was no point in lying to John, he wasn't dumb.

We lay in a comfortable silence for a while longer until I spoke up.

"Right, come on then John. We've got a plane to catch." I jumped out of bed and grabbed my case. I started to re-pack my case on top of all of my stuff for the honeymoon.

My parents and John's mother had come together to plan our honeymoon as our wedding present so neither of us knew where we were going. Mycroft had given me specific instructions to go to the local airport and there will be a woman waiting for us, she will then take us to our plane.

John and I got dressed and grabbed our suitcases. We walked outside the cabin to find a car waiting for us. The driver got out and opened the car door for us and we clambered in.

The whole journey to the airport, John was snuggled into my chest with my arm around his shoulder. After a short drive, we arrived at the airport and pulled up next to a woman wearing a smart skirt suit. I deduced that she was the woman who was to take us to our plane.

"Whoa! Mycroft owns this plane?!" John exclaimed as we boarded a private jet.

"Yes, well he works for the government so I assume he needs it for the job. Come this way, I have something to show you." I tugged on John's hand and pulled him to the back of the plane. I opened a door which revealed a bedroom holding a double bed.

"A double bed on such a small plane. How is that even possible?" John cried out.

"Come on, let's have some fun." I pulled John in and shut the door behind us.

Two hours later

The pilot signified that we would shortly be landing in Venice.

"Venice?! I've always wanted to go to Venice!" John got excited all over again.

"So have I, such thoughtful parents we have eh?" I chuckled.

Once the plane had landed, we got off and collected our luggage. We were instructed by a flight attendant that there would be a car waiting outside for us so we walked out of the airport to find it.

It wasn't long until we spotted the car with the name Holmes-Watson written on a bit of paper stuck under the wiper. Once again, the driver got out and opened the doors for us.

We drove and drove until finally, just as the sun was beginning to set, we pulled up outside a grand looking house. It was beautiful and huge. The driver handed us a key and let us out of the car. I thanked him and he drove away as we walked up the path to the front door.

I unlocked the door and gently pushed it open with my foot. I took John's case from him and walked inside. I set the cases down beside the front door and gazed around in awe. Both John and I were speechless.

John tugged at my shirt sleeve and I followed him outside to see a swimming pool. The water was clean and fresh. I bent down and dipped my hand in. The water felt like a bath it was so warm. We went back inside and I noticed a note on the kitchen table.

It read:
Dear Mr and Mr Holmes-Watson,
Welcome to your new holiday home. This is now yours to keep and to enjoy for yourselves. Hope you like it!
Love from Mum, Mum and Dad xxx

Both our Mums had signed it which made us both giggle. We went to explore the rest of the house and were still gobsmacked all the way around. There was 4 bedrooms, all with en-suites, 2 walk-in wardrobes, two living rooms, 2 dinning rooms, a games room and a massive open-plan kitchen. On top of all of that a swimming pool in the back garden and a balcony off of the master bedroom.

"This is pretty much my dream house! I could live here forever!" John exclaimed.

"So could I." I sighed dreamily, "Come on let's go to bed, I need to catch up on my sleep I missed last night."

We chose to take the room with the balcony which had the view of the local beach. As we laid in bed, I decided to talk to John about Rose.

"John. I've been thinking about Rose. I don't know whether it would be best for me to stay out of her life or whether it would complicate things for her. I don't want her to be chucked between myself and Irene but I don't know if I should be in her life at all."

"Mmm, I can see where you're coming from with both points but it's up to you. I don't mind either. As long as you're happy, I am happy. You just need to make the decision soon otherwise you might leave it too late to do something about it."

We talked some more and finally came to a decision which I would confirm with Irene when we got back from our honeymoon but for now I just wanted to focus on enjoying myself.

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