Chapter 10: Talk About The Future

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Sherlock's POV:

I awoke to find myself cuddled up in John's tight grasp. Carefully as not to wake him up, I turned my head to glance at the clock on the cabin wall. 8.05 am.

I gently prised John's arm away from around my waist and stood up. I stretched my arms out and groaned at the pain shooting down my neck. Maybe the makeshift bed wasn't as comfortable as it looked and started out to be.

I smiled as I looked down on a peacefully sleeping John, my peacefully sleeping John. If even possible, my smile grew larger at that thought. He was finally mine and I was proud to call him mine.

I straightened out my crumpled clothes and went outside to start a fire. I planned on cooking bacon on an open fire for breakfast, ready for when John awoke.

The sun shone down with a lovely warmth to it. I grabbed my sunglasses and went to search for the bacon in the cool box which Mycroft had dropped off a little earlier this morning. He certainly could be a nice brother when he wanted to be. He had had someone come along with him to build the fire so all I had to do was light it.

I found the bacon and a frying pan and struck a match. Once the fire was lit, I sat back on a log beside the fire and held the frying pan containing the bacon over it.

I saw movement from inside the cabin and guessed John was awake. A few moments later, a sleepy-looking John appeared in the door way.

"Morning John. I'm making bacon for breakfast, it should be ready in about 3 minutes. Sleep well?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yes thanks. You?" He replied with a yawn.

"Perfect thank you darling. Come sit over here with me." I gestured him to come over to the log.

He sat down beside me as I wrapped my free arm around his waist. John snuggled his head into the crook of my neck and I kissed the top of his head lightly.

"Bacon's ready." I sprung up from the log making John jump. I served him his bacon and gave him a couple of slices of bread. I then served myself and we sat in a comfortable silence whilst eating.

Once we had finished, John spoke up, "Delicious, Sherlock, finally you managed to cook something without burning it or yourself." We both had to laugh at that insult in a compliment.

"Hey wanna go for a swim in the lake?" I asked John.

"There's a lake?"

"Yep, so are you coming?"

"Ok, but I don't have my swim shorts."

"Aha well you see, I packed your swimming stuff because that's just the thoughtful fiancé I am." He smirked, "Besides, what's wrong with a bit of skinny dipping eh?"

"I-er well-" He stuttered nervously.

"I'm joking John. Anyway it's not as if it would be the first time I've seen you naked."

"Well that time was your fault because you came into the bathroom while I was in the bath." He protested.

"Maybe you should lock the door then because I didn't realise you were in there."

I thought back to the time before we were a couple and I had walked in on John in the bath. I had simply wanted to use the toilet and I hadn't realised John was in the bath. That was highly amusing for me seeing John get all self conscious and avoiding me for 3 days after due to the embarrassment he faced.

"Come on, I've got your swim shorts in the case. Let's go get changed." John would quite happily get changed in front of me but he would never be naked for longer than a few seconds in front of me.

We got changed and went out to the lake. I turned to face John to find him staring at my bare torso. He dragged his eyes up to meet mine and a deep pink flushed his cheeks.

"So defined," he muttered under his breath. I chuckled as he blinked like he had just snapped out of a trance.

"Ready? It's gonna be cold." I grabbed his hand as he nodded, still speechless.

We ran, hand in hand, into the water as it lapped around our ankles. We didn't stop until the water reached the tops of our trunks.

I dived under the water and swam away. When I surfaced, John was looking around, searching for me. I swam back over to him and grabbed his waist. I picked him up as he wrapped his short legs around my waist. He let out a surprised squeak.

John's POV:

Sherlock never failed to surprise me. I clung to his wet upper body as he held me in his arms. His beautiful curls hung loosely against his forehead, water droplets running down his cheeks. We stood gazing into each other's eyes in this perfect moment. It was like a scene from a movie. It was amazing .

Sherlock leaned in and captured my lips in a teasingly light kiss. He pulled away before I could react, leaving me disappointed. I let one of my hands wander up into Sherlock's hair, getting tangled in his mass of curls. I gently tugged on the hair in my hand, making Sherlock grunt.

I pushed his head towards mine and made our lips meet. Our wet chests pressed against each other as we grasped each other tightly. Our kissing grew passionate but regretfully we had to eventually pull away to breathe. Damn breathing. Breathing spoils everything good.

"I agree," Sherlock said with a chuckle.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"You said breathing ruins everything good and I agree."

"Oh I said it out loud, whoops." I smiled sheepishly.

"I love you John Watson-soon-to-be-Holmes." He pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too Sherlock Holmes-soon-to-be-Watson." I said as we giggled.

"Can our name be Watson-Holmes when we get married? I prefer Watson to come first." Sherlock asked with our foreheads still touching.

"Of course, whatever you want." I replied and kissed him again.

"Seeing as we're talking about the future, and this doesn't have to be a definite answer now, I'm just curious, but would you want to have a child later on, say maybe in a few years? I mean obviously we would have to adopt seeing as-" Sherlock asked.

"Oh Sherlock, yes yes yes. I thought you would never ask. I would love to have a child with you." I interrupted him before he could ramble on.

"Could we name him Hamish?" He asked teasingly.

"NO!" I said firmly but I couldn't hold in my laughter for much longer, "Anyway, who said it would be a boy? What about a girl?"

"Hmm, we'll see when the time comes. Let's focus on getting married first." Sherlock span around, me still in his arms.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" He shouted into the empty open air. He shouted it again but this time I joined in.

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